Essay: Illustration
Advanced Composition : Essay:
Lesson 6 Overview
In this lesson, you will
prepare an illustration
essay based on the
prewriting completed in the
previous lesson.
Remember, you may not
switch your topic when
completing this essay.
6.1 Prepare an illustrative essay using a specified topic
Graded Project: Essay: Illustration
Your project must be submitted as a Word document ( x, )*. Your
project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up
to five to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the
following information:
Your name
Your student ID number
The exam number
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Your email address
To submit your graded project, follow these steps:
Log in to your student portal.
Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload
Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.
Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!
Illustration Essay
For this assignment, you’ll prepare a 1,600- to 1,800-word illustration
essay based on your graphic organizer; do not switch topics. You may
not submit this essay until you’ve received your grade and instructor
feedback on your prewriting exam.
While you’re waiting for your prewriting to be evaluated, you should
Review the reading assignments for Lesson 5
Study the sample illustration essays and the guided writing
assignment in Chapter 13 of your textbook.
Prepare a rough draft of your illustration essay so you’re ready to
revise when you receive feedback on your prewriting.
Use the topic and graphic organizer you completed for your prewriting
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assignment; do not switch topics. You’ll develop your essay from your
graphic organizer. Your topic should be one of the following:
A generalization about effective or ineffective parenting
A generalization about your current or future career
A generalization about your age group, Baby Boomers,
Generation X, Millennials, and so on
You may write in first-person or third-person point of view. You are
writing for an audience unfamiliar with your topic, so your goal is to
use examples and language your readers are familiar with and can
relate to.
Use the guided writing assignment you began with your prewriting.
Steps 7 to 9 will help you build on your outline or graphic organizer to
draft and revise your essay.
You may find that you need to do more research; if you include more
sources or use different sources in your essay, remember to use the
correct parenthetical citation and add them to your list of references.
Refer to Chapter 23 in your text for APA format instructions.
Exam Format
Format your prewriting and essay exams according to the following
instructions. Refer to the sample APA-style essay in your text (p. 639).
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1. Start with a title page that includes your
Student ID
Email address
2. Use the header function to insert your page number in the top
right margin of your document.
You do not need to include your essay title in the header.
3. Begin your document on page 2 after the title page.
Start page 2 with your title
Do not include abstracts in your essays.
Use transitional words, phrases, and sentences (p. 149) to
guide your reader through your essay.
Do not use headings in your essay.
4. Include your references list on the last page of your document.
Do not submit it separately.
Grading Rubric
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Thesis: Audience, Purpose, and
The writer provides a clear thesis
statement that addresses the
purpose of the essay.
10 9 8 7.5 7 4 0
How insightfully and convincingly
does the writer apply the
appropriate development methods
to explore the thesis through
assertions, evidence, and analytic
25 23 21 19 17 10 0
There is a clear introduction with a
thesis, body, and conclusion. The
writer uses topic sentences to
organize body paragraphs and
transitions appropriately to guide
the reader from point to point. The
conclusion reinforces the thesis
statement and provides a
satisfactory ending to the essay.
15 14 13 12 11 6 0
Incorporation of Source
How logically and effectively are
paraphrases, summaries, and
direct quotations from varied,
relevant, and reliable sources
integrated with the writer’s style
for purpose and audience?
10 9 8 7.5 7 4 0
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Style and Voice
The writer interacts with the
assigned audience using an
appropriate, consistent point of
view and tone. The writer offered
adequate evidence from his or her
own experience to effectively
engage readers’ interest and
address the purpose of the essay.
The conclusion reinforces the
thesis statement and provides a
satisfactory ending to the essay.
15 14 13 12 11 6 0
APA Citation and
Did the writer accurately and
correctly document the required
number of sources following APA
citation style both in-text and on
the references list?
10 9 8 7.5 7 3 0
The writer uses correct grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and
sentence structure. The writer
makes correct word choices,
defines unfamiliar terms, and
conveys a clear message. The
writer has edited and proofread
the essay.
10 9 8 7.5 7 3 0
Format and Length
The writer met the required length
(1,600 to 1,800 words), used the
assigned font and margins and
included the required header
information correctly.
5 4.5 4 3 1 0
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