Question: After World War One, the Arabs claimed that the British had “stabbed them in the back” by not granting them an independent Arab state or states. Assess the Hussein-McMahon correspondence, the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the Balfour Declaration. Were the Great Powers duplicitous or just muddling through? Are the Arabs correct to believe that they were stabbed in the back?
See uploaded document for all instructions.
Please read and follow instructions carefully.
Question: After World War One, the Arabs claimed that the British had “stabbed them in the
back” by not granting them an independent Arab state or states. Assess the Hussein-McMahon
correspondence, the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the Balfour Declaration. Were the Great
Powers duplicitous or just muddling through? Are the Arabs correct to believe that they were
stabbed in the back?
Write 600 words at least to answer this question. It should be posted as a “Word” file. Read over
the directions for writing your essays provided on the first page of the syllabus to make sure that
you are clear about what is necessary to do well on this essay. Make sure to use footnotes and
to add a “List of Sources” at the end of your essay.
These papers should be grammatically and syntactically correct and without typographical
errors. Include the question you are answering on the title page so both you and I will be
sure which question you are addressing. Special attention will be given to the thesis
paragraph. Make it succinct and preview how you will argue your paper. Always end with
a concluding paragraph that sums up your argument.
You will want to review the three major treaties;
1. The McMahon–Hussein Correspondence, the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the Balfour
Declaration. They are all covered in the Bickerton & Klausner text, which also includes
the original documents in the “sources” section. The Cleveland chapter, assigned in
week one, and Wawro also cover these agreements. So do the assigned videos. Use all
these sources in your essay if you can.
Citations: Use footnotes, or what is called the “Notes and Bibliography” form of citation for your
references (not the internal: “author date” style common in the social sciences). The first citation
of a work should be complete and subsequent citations abbreviated. Read about how to use this
form of citation at Quick Guide of the Chicago Manual of Style. Learn how to use footnotes (not
endnotes on “Word.”
List of Sources: Be sure to add a “List of Sources” at the end of your essay, in which you
list all the sources that you cite. Each article must be referenced in full. Consult the
website of the Chicago Manual of Style to do this correctly. Make sure you cite internet
sources correctly as well.
Bickerton & Klausner, A History of the Arab–Israeli Conflict: Chap’s 1. pp. 1-28.
Geoffrey Wawro, Quicksand: America’s Pursuit of Power in the Middle East,Penguin Press,
2010. ISBN-13: 978-0143118831
Spooner, Roger. “The McMahon Promise to Hussein.” The Balfour Project. The Balfour Project,
26 Jan. 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.
World War One Through Arab Eyes – Episode three: The New Middle East (Al-Jazeera’s doc on
the three contradictory treaties: Hussein-MacMahon, Sykes-Pico, and Balfour Declaration.
William Cleveland, A History of the Modern Middle East, Chaps 9: “World War I and the End of
the Ottoman Order,” pp. 149-170 [20] These page numbers correspond to the 4th ed. which is
on-line, here:
Video: “Promises and Betrayals – Middle East – History Channel Documentary,” (Watch the first
15 minutes). The Ottoman Empire (Joshua Landis) Nationalism (Joshua Landis)