Use a maximum of one (1) page, typed and 1 1/2-spaced, with Arial font, 1” margins, and 12
points. (Memo format). Full sentences required.
The summaries must address the topics below to use as “headings” to divide each reflection
topic within your summary.
What was the focus of the coursework this week?
What were the topics?
How does it relate to your work?
NOTE: Directly apply concepts learned to work. If the concepts do not apply directly to your
current job, then you need to explain your understanding of how it “can be applied” in your
Instructions: Complete the following questions, which are worth 5 points each.
Seek to apply what you have learned from the chapters, and what you learned completing the
Write 3-5 sentences per question.
Chapter 3
1. Describe how the “big five” personality attributes might affect you own behavior in
dealing with colleagues (superiors, peers, & subordinates).
2. What stereotypes do you form about people? Are they good or bad?
3. As a manager, how would you go about trying to make someone a better
organizational citizen?
4. Analyze your Cross-Cultural Awareness Self-Assessment Exercise. What were 2 areas
where you feel you have strong cross-cultural awareness, and 2 areas where you feel
you can improve. What are some steps you can take to improve these areas?
5. Reflect on all three self-assessment exercises. As you compared your answers to others
in your group, what surprised you? Were there any themes or conceptual patterns
did your group synthesize from your individual results?
1. Some have argued that people, not organizations, make decisions and that the study of
“organizational” decision making therefore is pointless. Do you agree with this
argument? Why or why not?
2. Can you think of a time when you satisficed when making a decision? Have you ever
3. Describe a situation in which you experienced escalation of commitment to an
ineffective course of action. What did you do about it? Do you wish you had handled it
differently? Why or why not?
4. How comfortable or uncomfortable are you in making risky decisions?
5. Do you consider yourself to be relatively more or less creative? Recall an instance in
which you made a discovery using the four phases of the creative process.