Literary Review
Jan 2021
CIMA 706: Assignment 2 Scoring Rubric [Transition Committee Literature Review]
Section 1: Abstract/Executive Summary | 20 Total Points |
A. Provided clear summary purpose statement to guide Transition Teams CEO Selection
B. Provided Summary Research
C. Provided Summary Conclusions
D. Provided Summary Recommendations
Section 2: Introduction (Setting the Stage) | 20 Points |
A. Provided Clear Purpose Statement to Guide Transition Team’s CEO Selection Process
B. Provided key elements required to research in identifying the right replacement CEO.
a. Contextualized Transformational Leadership (Demonstrated Data Sources)
b. Conceptualized Educational Change (Definitions) (Demonstrated Data Sources)
a. Connected Educational Change to Selecting a Transformational CEO Candidate
for Leading and Managing Change Processes in Educational Environment.
b. Described and Discussed Effective Leadership Approaches for Leading and
Managing Change in Educational Environments (Demonstrated Data Sources)
Section 3: Review of the Literature | 20 Points |
A. Synthesized Review of the Literature on Transformation Leadership with Focus on
Approaches, Activities, and Behaviors Attributable to Leading and Managing Change in
Educational Environments
1. Conceptualized Concepts
Educational Change
b. Transformational Leadership
c. Transformational Leadership Approaches & Activities
B. Synthesized Reviews of the Literature on Transformational Leadership Approaches, and
Educational Change
C. Section 4: Conclusions (Summary of Findings and Recommendations) |20 Points |
A. Recounted Details Described in the Review of Literature (e.g., Section 3: A, 1, a., b.,
c; B)
B. Provided CEO Recommendation to Transition Team Supported in the Literature
C. Demonstrated Data Sources (Research Based Evidence, Scholarly Sources Previously
Reported in Paper)
D. Section 5: References minimum of 10 peer reviewed (10 points)
Other Requirements APA Criteria | 10 Points | Citations & Mechanics-Style
a. 1-error = 1-Point b. [N = < 10] More than 10 Errors = -10 Points and/or no points added to the sum
total of points on Sections 1-5
CIMA 706
Assignment 2 – Transition Committee Brief (Literature Review on Transformational Leadership)
Today, effective educational leaders need to be able to initiate and sustain
complex organizational transformation. Transformation and restructuring are topics of concern in
any organization so understanding what it takes to effect change is critical for decision makers at all
levels. Transformational leadership influences the behavior and practice of leaders to improve
student achievement. Transformational leadership requires leaders to demonstrate specific skills
focused on the equitable implementation of major reforms.
Purpose of the Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a literature review on educational change and effective
techniques for leading and managing change and to present your case with the supportive literature you
found to the organizational decision makers to help their search for a new CEO.
➢ The CEO/Leader of your Organization/Institution/District has just submitted a letter of
resignation effective in 12 months. It is the desire of the Board of Directors to fill this vacancy
with a highly qualified leader who will be able to lead the organization through a restructuring
initiative aligned with current research.
➢ A Transition Committee has been formed to assess the needs of the organization and to begin
the search for a dynamic leader who will lead the organization toward this transformative
➢ You have been assigned to this Committee and tasked with presenting the research on
transformative change that will help to guide the selection of the organizations next leader.
1. Identify literature from a variety of research-based resources that will logically and
dispassionately explore as many facets as possible on educational change and effective
techniques for leading and managing change.
a. What does the literature tell you about how change occurs in the world of
b. What does the literature tell you about required competencies of leadership in
times of change?
c. Be sure to tie your findings to the need of the committee: Finding a new CEO
2. Following your review of the literature, you will submit your findings to the Transition
Committee in a report that clearly states the research findings and their support to the
selection of the next CEO
a. The paper should be an expository paper
b. Since your review should be as comprehensive and as authoritative as possible,
choose carefully so that the committee can feel confident in the research you
c. The paper should be organized in the following manner:
i. Abstract or Executive Summary
CIMA 706
Assignment 2 – Transition Committee Brief (Literature Review on Transformational Leadership)
ii. Introduction (Setting the stage)
iii. Synthesized Review of the literature on educational change and
characteristics of transformational leaders linked to the need of the district
in finding a new CEO.
iv. Conclusion with recommendations (Synthesize the points and make
recommendations clear tied to the need in finding a new CEO)
v. Reference list including a minimum of 10 references, ½ (half) of which must
be from peer reviewed journals. You may cite from the Senge textbook as
one (1) of your sources.
d. Follow APA 7 guidelines
e. Exemplify excellent writing skills expected at this level.
f. Due End of Week 4