PROJECT MANAGEMENT Private Class Final Assignment Task brief & rubrics
Students are required to answer all the questions and develop an
individual report addressing the specific tasks set out in the guideline below.
Task briefing:
IKEA is going to develop a new
armchair to its new collection.
1. Define the new product using
QFD or Customers’ Voice and determine:
· Customers’ requirements and their importance.
· Design requirements using the Bill Of Materials.
· Correlation between customers’ and design requirements.
· Determine the most important elements in the design.
(30 points)
2. For an efficient project management, the CEO of the company organizes a
project team to develop the product. Who are the team members and what are their roles, functions, and responsibilities?
(20 points)
3. A Technology company wants to develop a new product. The managers of this firm decide that you will be the leader of this project.
The first thing you do is to choose the project team with the necessary departments: R+D+I, Design, Production, Maintenance, Logistics, Marketing, Quality, Planning and Sales.
Then, you decide the tasks to do:
1. R+D+I will analyse the customers’ requirements and will need 2 weeks for it.
2. At the same time that R+D+I is working with customers, Marketing starts a research work and in 3 weeks knows the real competitors.
3. After the first analysis, Planning Department forecasts the customers’ needs in 2 weeks.
4. With all the information collected in 1 and 2, R+D+I and Design make the Product Design. This is an activity that needs 4 weeks.
5. After 4, the managers of the company want to know the prototype and a meeting is organized (milestone) with them.
6. After the managers’ acceptance of the product, Marketing starts a publicity campaign to show the product in the market. This activity lasts 5 weeks.
7. When the managers accept the Product Design, the Process Design will start. This task affects to Production and will be made in 4 weeks.
8. With the prototype accepted and the process designed, Logistics purchases all the materials and technology that the process needs in three weeks.
9. When the materials are in the company, Quality tests all of them. This is made in one week.
10. At the same time, Production checks the machinery. Three weeks are needed.
11. The confirmation that materials and machines are correct supposes to start the production (milestone).
12. Production process lasts 4 weeks. Production and Quality take part in it.
13. At the same time the production is made, Maintenance checks continuously the machinery and fix if it is necessary.
14. The distribution process is a responsibility for Logistics and Sales and the product will be in the stores 2 weeks after it starts. The predecessors of this tasks are 6 and 12.
15. After this, all the stores will be able to sell the new product (milestone).
What is the total duration of this project?
If you start the process on
February 25th, say the dates for milestones 5, 11 and 15.
What is the critical path?
Draw the resource graph for the following DEPARTMENTS.
Marketing and
When do you need their participation? (Say the range of dates).
(30 points)
4. Study the risks of three of the critical tasks of exercise 3 using
FMEA methodology. (20 points)
· Individual work.
· Relate your work to the concepts delivered in class.
· Font: Arial 12,5pts. Line-spacing: default. Text-align: Justified.
· Bibliography/References, if needed, has to be quoted in Harvard style.
· You may use Appendixes. These and the References do not count for the total wordcount.
DELIVERY: Email 6th March 2023, at 23:59 CET.
This task is worth 100% of your grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
· Describe the need for a project-based approach inside organizations.
· Understand the role of project management as a strategic element inside organizations.
· Critically assess the roles and responsibilities of a project manager
· Evaluate how to select, develop, plan, schedule and measure its outcomes and risks.
Exceptional 90-100 |
Good 80-89 |
Fair 70-79 |
Fail <70 |
Critical analysis (25%) |
Student effectively assesses the impact of project on the company. Student engages with theory/data in a critical manner. |
Student fairly assesses the impact of project on the company. Students attempt to engage with theory/data in a critical manner. |
Student fairly assesses the impact of project on the company, although some key aspects might be missing. Student may be unsuccessful in attempts to engage critically with theory/data. |
Student fail to assesses the impact of project on the company, although some key aspects might be missing. Student makes no attempt to engage with theory/data in a critical manner. |
Critical evaluation (25%) |
Student effectively engages in critical evaluation of all aspects presented in the brief. |
Student makes a good attempt at engaging in critical evaluation of most aspects presented in the brief. |
Student makes a fair attempt at engaging in critical evaluation of some aspects presented in the brief (argument might be weak). |
Student makes an insufficient attempt to critically evaluate aspects presented in the brief. |
Critical discussion & formulation of solutions (25%) |
Student effectively leads discussion towards strong theory/data-driven solutions. |
Student makes a good attempt at leading discussion towards theory/data-driven solutions. |
Student makes a fair attempt at leading discussion towards theory/data-driven solutions. |
Student fails to lead discussion towards relevant solutions. |
Communication (25%) |
Student includes all relevant sections, meeting professional standards of presentation. Correct referencing format. |
Student includes all relevant sections but falls short of professional standards of presentation. Largely correct referencing format. |
Student includes most relevant sections but falls short of professional standards of presentation. Some incorrect referencing. |
Student fails to submit several relevant sections and/or falls significantly short of professional presentation standards. Largely incorrect referencing format. |