Throughout your academic journey at Walden University, you have been encouraged to make a difference in your field and in the world around you by engaging in positive social change. Consider for a moment the vision and impact of Walden’s Global Days of Service. This movement encourages all members of Walden’s global community to volunteer in their local communities and serve neighbors in need. How will you take the specialization knowledge you have gained throughout your program to serve your community?For Part 5 of your Course Project, you will develop a proposal for a community service project related to the goals and needs of the program you selected for your Course Project.Important Note: You will share your ideas for this Assignment in the Module 5 Discussion 2 Forum. Be sure to read through the instructions for this Assignment and Discussion 2 prior to beginning work this week.
due Jan 29th at 10:00am
Module 5: Discussion 2
As an institution, Walden has long supported days of service and encouraged students, faculty, and staff to give back to their communities. In the companion Assignment for this module, you are developing a plan for a proposed Global Day of Service project. For this Discussion, you will explain the Global Day of Service project you are proposing for your Assignment and offer feedback and support for your colleagues’ projects.
Important Note: You will share your ideas regarding your Module 5 Assignment in this Discussion. Be sure to read through the instructions for this Discussion and the Module 5 Assignment prior to beginning work this week.
To prepare:
· Review the instructions for the Module 5 Course Project assignment.
· Review the Walden University sites regarding social change and Walden’s Global Days of Service. Consider the many meaningful opportunities found in early childhood programs, K–12 schools, and communities for enacting social change. How will the Walden Global Day of Service project you are proposing in this module’s Assignment support social change in your program and field?
· Review the Callahan et al. (2012) paper in the Learning Resources. Which of the eight features of social change will be reflected the most in your Day of Service project?
Assignment Task Part 1
Write a 1-page explanation of the following:
· The Day of Service project you are proposing for this module’s Assignment
· How your proposed project would support social change in your program and field
· Which of the eight features of social change are integrated the most in your Day of Service project
For this Discussion, and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout your program, you will be required to use APA style and provide reference citations.
Assignment Task Part 2
Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues
in 150 word responses:
· by offering feedback on their Day of Service projects and additional thoughts for how it would support social change in their programs and/or fields, and any additional features of social change you see as reflected in their project.
· Provide references to the Learning Resources, research, and/or prior professional experiences when appropriate.
Required Readings
· Fullan, M. (2016).
The new meaning of educational change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
· Chapter 13, “The Future of Educational Change” (pp. 258–265)
· Callahan, D., Wilson, E., Birdsall, I., Estabrook-Fishinghawk, B., Carson, G., Ford, S., . . . Yob, I. (2012).
Expanding our understanding of social change: A report from the definition task force of the HLC Special Emphasis Project
Download Expanding our understanding of social change: A report from the definition task force of the HLC Special Emphasis Project
[White paper]. Minneapolis, MN: Walden University.
Social Change Web Maps [Diagrams]. Adapted from Expanding our understanding of social change, by Callahan, D., Wilson, E., Birdsall, I., Estabrook-Fishinghawk, B., Carson, G., Ford, S., Ouzts, K., & Yob, I., 2008. Baltimore, MD: Walden University. Adapted with permission of Walden University.
· Cooper, K. S., Stanulis, R. N., Brondyk, S. K. Hamilton, E. R., Macaluso, M., & Meier, J. A. (2016).
The teacher leadership process: Attempting change within embedded systems.
Links to an external site.
Journal of Educational Change, 17(1), 85–113. doi:10.1007/s10833-015-9262-4
· Walden University. (2016).
Global days of service
Links to an external site.
. Retrieved from
· Walden University. (2017b).
About: Our history.
Links to an external site.
Retrieved from
Review this site for information on Walden University’s mission and vision and its focus on social change.
Required Media
· Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2017b).
Mapping social change
Links to an external site.
[Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Assignment Task Part 2
a selection of your colleagues’ posts.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues post
in a 150 words each:
· by offering feedback on their Day of Service projects
· additional thoughts for how it would support social change in their programs and or fields,
· and any additional features of social change you see as reflected in their project.
· Provide references to the Learning Resources, research, and/or prior professional experiences when appropriate.
Amanda Puryear
Jan 7, 2023Jan 7 at 9:20pm
Manage Discussion Entry
This day of service project was born from a recent incident on our high school campus, in which a female student was physically assaulted by her boyfriend. After news of the incident spread throughout the campus, other students shared their own experiences with violence in their relationships and in their community. After researching crime in Hearne, Texas, it was found that aggravated assault was one of the top three types of crime in the community, along with robbery and burglary (U.S. Department of Justice, 2019). The question that was raised by this incident wa, how do we empower potential victims of assault? Two main areas of empowerment are knowledge (what are the signs of violence? and how do I report an assault?) and skill (how do I protect myself?) Aspects of this project would include
Partnering with the local police in creating an informational campaign on the signs and reporting process of assault.
Creating flyers to go in public restrooms and schools with numbers of local organizations that support assault victims and hotlines for support in leaving an abusive situation, and
Working with the local martial arts academy and university martial arts team to organize monthly self-defense classes for students and community members.
This project represents five of Callahan et al.’s (2012) features of social change. This project represents scholarship by giving students the opportunity to apply knowledge and experiences of their community to solve real-life problems. Students will build empathy with peers and community members by reflecting on their experiences throughout the project, focusing on their impact on the community and possible ways to expand their influence. Students will collaborate with local law enforcement, outreach organization, and self-defense teams to support and advocate for victims of assault and those who are popular targets for assault. By addressing the issue of assault in our community, we can help make our community safer by empowering community members with the knowledge needed to identify and escape violent relationships and the skills needed to protect themself in incidences of violence.
Callahan, D., Wilson, E., Birdsall, I., Estabrook-Fishinghawk, B., Carson, G., Ford, S., Yob, I. (2012).
Expanding our understanding of social change: A report from the
definition task force of the
HLC Special Emphasis Project
Download Expanding
our understanding of social change: A report from the definition task force of the
HLC Special Emphasis Project [White paper]. Minneapolis, MN: Walden University.
United States Department of Justice. (2019).
Crime in the united states: Texas. Criminal Justice Information Service Division. Retrieved January 6, 2023, from
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Katheryn Gonzales
Jan 13, 2023Jan 13 at 8:18pm
Manage Discussion Entry
The Day of Service Project I am proposing was inspired by the realization of the lack of technology the students at my Title 1 school had during Covid. Many students could not attend school or struggled to share technology to complete online learning. As a result, I propose to partner with organizations in the community to provide refurbished laptops and tablets to students so they can continue to work with online programs and interventions (Rice, n.d.).
The program I am evaluating is called the Early Literacy Framework, offered to kindergarten students in all Title 1 schools in my district. The program’s purpose is to address issues in the district regarding declining reading scores, lack of reading mastery by the third grade, lack of phonics resources, and the ability to accelerate and accommodate students continually. As a result of the program, the goal is to increase foundational reading skills and reading fluency for all stakeholders involved. A separate goal is to identify students with special needs and those needing interventions. One of the interventions being used is a computer program called Headsprouts. Headsprouts is an online reading program for students in grades K-5 that provides students with individualized reading instruction. The service project would support this program and its goals by offering students access to technology to utilize this helpful reading program at home and in the classroom.
Out of Callahan et al. (2012), eight features of social change collaboration, advocacy, practice, humane ethics, and system thinking are most integrated with my project. Collaboration is essential for this project to be successful. The school will partner with local businesses and churches to provide laptops and tablets to the students in the school. The technology department will need to configure each device for the students and support teachers and students as they utilize the devices. Advocacy is a feature that creates a voice that brings awareness to the community to share the needs of the students. The practitioner feature is integrated because teachers understand the need for students to practice reading and that some students need more support than others. Finally, humane ethics is integrated because the teachers in the school understand the need for students to practice reading and to have the opportunity to utilize technology to advance learning and future success. System thinking is also integrated on a much larger scale to bring awareness to the district of the needs of the students, and the importance technology plays in supporting students (Callahan et al, 2012).
Callahan, D., Wilson, E., Birdsall, I., Estabrook-Fishinghawk, B., Carson, G., Ford, S., Yob, I. (2012).
Expanding our understanding of social change: A report from the definition task force of the HLC Special Emphasis Project
Download Expanding our understanding of social change: A report from the definition task force of the HLC Special Emphasis Project
[White paper]. Minneapolis, MN: Walden University.
Rice, D. (n.d.). Cobb County School District Early Literacy Intervention. Retrieved December 20, 2022, from
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content/uploads/2018/04/diane.rice_.ndps_ .