For this week’s assignment, you have the task of writing both good and bad news. When writing good news, remember to use the direct approach; however, when writing the bad news, use indirect approach. A single upload is fine, as long as each memo starts on a new page. You are welcomed to use the attached template, or you may use a different template. After your assignment is uploaded, please click on “View Feedback” to verify that the formatting was not altered. If necessary, please correct and resubmit. Remember to adhere to formatting guidelines, including margins and spacing (please refer to
memo layout sample
- Use Times Roman Numeral, Courier New, or Arial.
- Left justify memo and use 1-inch margin.
- Use correct headings (You may use caps, bold font, and double-space):
Date: Write out month completely
To: Reader’s names and job titles
From: Your name and job title
Subject: Be specific and concise - Do not use salutation.
- Memo must be single-spaced (except for headings); leave a space between each paragraph.
- Do not indent paragraphs.
- No need to use complimentary close or signature block.
- Reference your sourcesLinks to an external site.
- Bullets and Headings (PDF)Actions
Scenario (Good News)
As the Sales Manager for ABZ Corporation, it is your pleasure to announce that your department has been awarded a grant for outstanding sales. Determine the amount of the grant and the specific criteria for selection. Write a memo explaining this scenario to these employees. Use the direct approach. See “memo layout sample” for additional content & formatting expectations.
Scenario (Bad News)
Due to Covid-19, ABZ Corporation will have to lay-off or furlough some employees. Write a memo to the employees explaining this scenario. Use the indirect approach. See “memo layout sample” for additional content & formatting expectations.
TO: Reader’s Names and Job Title
FROM: Your Name and Job Title
DATE: Write Out Month Completely
SUBJECT: Be Specific and Concise
Remember that memos do not begin with greetings or salutations. Use the direct approach. Begin with the good news and commend them for their achievement.
Provide details regarding the factors that led to the good news and any other relevant details, including when the grant will be awarded, who will receive the grant etc. You are welcomed to use bullets of you are providing a list. Remember to use parallel structure if you are providing a list.
In the final paragraph, explain that the company looks forward to continuing the grant distribution in future, commensurate with employee performance. Thank the employees again for their outstanding contributions, and conclude the memo by indicating how the reader may contact you if he/she has any questions.
TO: Reader’s Names and Job Title
FROM: Your Name and Job Title
DATE: Write Out Month Completely
SUBJECT: Be Specific and Concise
Remember that memos do not begin with greetings or salutations. Use the indirect approach when announcing negative news. Use buffer.
Provide background context that will help them to understand the reason for the bad news. Be mindful of your tone. Use clear but positive language.
Avoid ending with negative impressions. Try to end with a message of hope and optimism. Conclude the memo by indicating how the reader may contact you if he/she has any questions.