Assignment 1 Initial Post (MINIMUM OF 500 WORDS)
Chapter 12 of the course textbook discusses the issues of identity development during adolescence.
Based in part on the textbook readings and the 60 Minutes videos (Links Below), consider what you
learned about the topic and your reaction to what you read.
Finkelstein, S. (2006). 20/20: Exploring sexual orientation: Gay or straight, Part 1 [Video file]. New
York, NY: CBS Corporation. Retrieved from
Finkelstein, S. (2006). 20/20: Exploring sexual orientation: Gay or straight, Part 2 [Video file]. New
York, NY: CBS Corporation. Retrieved from
In your initial post:
1) Identify what you consider to be a sexual identity-related problem or issue that is of importance
to you and to society and culture.
2) Identify and evaluate the key positions and theoretical arguments relating to your issue.
3) Include in your discussion comments on what you have learned about the reasons for
differences in sexual orientation (e.g., from biological, cultural, or physiological causes).
4) Ground all positions and conclusions in theory and evidence.
Reply to two of your classmates, by explaining why you agree and then compare and contrast your
respective identifications and evaluations of theoretical arguments and grounding regarding your
selected sexual identity-related problem. Additionally, identify any insights you have gained as a result
of reading the responses of others.
Assignment 2 Reply 1 R. S. (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
In my post I must equate sexual identity problem is the stigma as well as the bulling that
the LGBTQ community face within society. These people are going to be harass and for no
just reason other than being themselves and it is very difficult for them to interact in public
without some type of ridicule from those who feel their way of life is unjust and
This causes a person to become emotionally distraught and brings about anxiety,
depression, as well as stress and issues that are associated with these disorders. The
individuals not only have to deal with the public but also their own family members, friend,
and this unacceptance from the ones they thought would understand how they feel and
support them turn on them and leave them in a place of isolation and looniness, which
causes more psychological issues. When we look at all the factors that the LGBT
community faces with society it leads or can lead to self-harm as well as suicidal thoughts
being they are asking themselves why I am feeling this way when society says my feelings
are wrong. We must understand that it takes a strong person to go against the norms of
society and accept who they are and live their life the way they want.
As I read more about the thoughts of [Mossler & Ziegler 2016], it is not surprising to learn
that LBGT teens are targeted more than other teens and bullied with aggression from
other teens and adults, and this is unacceptable because it has these teens feeling they are
not worthy and that causes psychological and physical problems and can in some instances
lead to suicide or suicidal thoughts.
As I research further, I came across a report by the [Human Rights Campaign], that stated
77% of teens [LBGT] are constantly depressed and 70% feel unwanted and not accepted
by family / friends which have them feeling worthless and hopeless. I was baffle at the high
numbers and it showed me why discrimination is a major problem and can and does create
harm to others in a very negative way.
My feeling is that everyone has the right to live their life the way they want especially
when their way of life does not cause harm to others, so let me put it in this perspective, if
one doesn’t like the way a person lives, then stay away from them and mind your own
business, period. Our youth are always hiding something about themselves because of fear
/shame and this is unacceptable being our youth has the right to express themselves and
not fear what others say and live their lives as they feel.
People are constantly saying, how could I help LBGT people? My thought is if we all stand
up against homophobia and bullying of the LBGT community when we see bullying and
insults in our presence stand up and say something and that is the start of the process of
letting people know that is not acceptable in my presence. A single word [STOP] can make
a difference in their life and in the world.
Finkelstein, S. [2006]. 20/20: Exploring sexual orientation: Gay or straight, Part 1 [Links to
an external site]. [Video file]. New York, NY: CBS Corporation. Retrieved from 60 Minutes
8/27/06 – Gay or Straight – Part 1 of 3
2018 LBGTQ Youth Report – Human Rights Campaign – HRC. [n.d.]. Retrieved May 24,
2022, from Links to an external
site.[Links to external site.]
Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. [2016]. Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective.
San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc
Assignment 3 Reply 2 K.S. (MINIMUM OF 250 WORDS)
The issue of sexual identity development during adolescence is of great importance to
both society and culture. This is because adolescence is a critical time for individuals to
explore and develop their identities. During this time, individuals are tasked with defining
their identities while navigating society’s expectations. Unfortunately, this process can be
complicated for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, as they often face discrimination and
stigma from peers and the community. This can lead to various adverse outcomes,
including lower self-esteem, depression, and suicide. It is essential to recognize this
discrimination’s potential consequences and strive for a more inclusive and understanding
Given the complexities of this issue, there are a variety of positions and theories to
consider when discussing it. The social learning theory argues that individuals learn gender
roles and sexual identities through observing others and their environment. This suggests
that an individual’s environment can heavily influence the development of their sexual
identity. The cognitive-developmental theory indicates that individuals’ sexual identity is
formed as they gain a better understanding of themselves and their sexual desires.
However, the twins in the video are both males and grew up in the same environment.
Still, one appeared to be more feminine than the other, which lets you know that it’s not
always the environment, but physiological and genes also play a vital role in development,
primarily when it occurs before the individual is older enough to self-identify.
In addition to these two theories, there are also a variety of potential causes for
differences in sexual orientation. From a biological standpoint, some studies have
suggested that genetic markers could be linked to sexual orientation. From a cultural
perspective, much evidence suggests that cultural norms and values can influence an
individual’s sexual orientation. Finally, from a physiological standpoint, research has
indicated that hormones can affect an individual’s sexual orientation.
This issue is complex and multi-faceted. To create a more inclusive and understanding
society, it is essential to recognize this issue’s potential causes and strive for greater
acceptance and understanding of those who identify as LGBTQ+. This can be done
through education, dialogue, and increased visibility. It is also essential to recognize the
potential consequences of discrimination and stigma and to strive for a society where
individuals of all sexual orientations are treated with respect and dignity. By doing so, we
can create a more inclusive and understanding culture and ensure that all individuals have
the opportunity to develop their identities. Overall, the issue of sexual identity
development during adolescence is of great importance to society and culture. There are a
variety of positions and theories to consider when discussing this topic and various
potential causes for differences in sexual orientation. It is essential to recognize the
possible consequences of discrimination and stigma associated with individuals who
identify as LGBTQ+ and to strive for a more inclusive and understanding society. By doing
so, we can ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to develop their identities free
from discrimination and stigma.
Finkelstein, S. (2006). 20/20: Exploring sexual orientation: Gay or straight, Part 1 [Video file].
New York, NY: CBS Corporation. Retrieved from60 Minutes 8/27/06 – Gay or Straight –
Part 1 of 3
Mossler & Ziegler (2016). Understanding development: A lifespan perspective. Bridgepoint
Education, Inc.