In the reading selection from Aldo Leopold (pp. 260-264), Leopold argues for a “land ethic” that diminishes the importance of economic incentives to “develop” the land for economic gain (think of all of the development you see around us in Triangle).
When it comes to land development, there is a lot of NIMBYISM–not in my backyard– by people who will now have to look at a housing development rather than a rural scene, or a less industrialized scene. In other words, the development ruins my view!
NIMBIES will often adopt the language of the “land ethic”, or as Leopold puts it:
“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community.It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
My challenge for you is: Are NIMBIES really concerned with their relationship with the environment. or are there selfish motives that override the elements of the land ethic?
500 to 700 words.