332 Chapter 6 / ConCurrenCy: DeaDloCk anD Starvation
Key Terms
banker’s algorithm
circular wait
consumable resource
deadlock avoidance
deadlock detection
deadlock prevention
fatal region
hold and wait
joint progress diagram
memory barrier
mutual exclusion
resource allocation graph
reusable resource
safe state
unsafe state
Review Questions
6.1. Give examples of reusable and consumable resources.
6.2. What are the three conditions that must be present for deadlock to be possible?
6.3. What are the four conditions that create deadlock?
6.4. How can the hold-and-wait condition be prevented?
6.5. Why can’t you disallow mutual exclusion in order to prevent deadlocks?
6.6. How can the circular wait condition be prevented?
6.7. List some of the methods that may be adopted to recover from deadlocks.
6.1. Show that the four conditions of deadlock apply to Figure 6.1a.
6.2. Show how each of the techniques of prevention, avoidance, and detection can be applied
to Figure 6.1.
6.3. For Figure 6.3, provide a narrative description of each of the six depicted paths, similar
to the description of the paths of Figure 6.2 provided in Section 6.1.
6.4. Give two alternative execution sequences for the situation depicted in Figure 6.3, show-
ing that deadlock does not occur.
6.5. Given the following state of a system:
The system comprises of five processes and four resources.
P1–P5 denotes the set of processes.
R1–R4 denotes the set of resources.
Total Existing Resources:
R1 R2 R3 R4
6 3 4 3
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Snapshot at the initial time stage:
Allocation Claim
R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4
P1 3 0 1 1 6 2 1 1
P2 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2
P3 1 1 1 0 3 2 1 0
P4 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
P5 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1
a. Compute the Available vector.
b. Compute the Need Matrix.
c. Is the current allocation state safe? If so, give a safe sequence of the process.
In addition, show how the Available (working array) changes as each process
d. If the request (1, 1, 0, 0) from P1 arrives, will it be correct to grant the request?
Justify your decision.
6.6. In the code below, three processes are competing for six resources labeled A to F.
a. Using a resource allocation graph (see Figures 6.5 and 6.6), show the possibility of
a deadlock in this implementation.
b. Modify the order of some of the get requests to prevent the possibility of any dead-
lock. You cannot move requests across procedures, only change the order inside
each procedure. Use a resource allocation graph to justify your answer.
void P0()
while (true) {
// critical region:
// use A, B, C
void P1()
while (true) {
// critical region:
// use D, E, B
void P2()
while (true) {
// critical region:
// use C, F, D
6.7. A spooling system (see Figure 6.17) consists of an input process I, a user process P,
and an output process O connected by two buffers. The processes exchange data in
blocks of equal size. These blocks are buffered on a disk using a floating boundary
between the input and the output buffers, depending on the speed of the processes.
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334 Chapter 6 / ConCurrenCy: DeaDloCk anD Starvation
The communication primitives used ensure that the following resource constraint is
i + o … max
max = maximum number of blocks on disk
i = number of input blocks on disk
o = number of output blocks on disk
The following is known about the processes:
1. As long as the environment supplies data, process I will eventually input it to the
disk (provided disk space becomes available).
2. As long as input is available on the disk, process P will eventually consume it and
output a finite amount of data on the disk for each block input (provided disk space
becomes available).
3. As long as output is available on the disk, process O will eventually consume it.
Show that this system can become deadlocked.
6.8. Suggest an additional resource constraint that will prevent the deadlock in Problem 6.7,
but still permit the boundary between input and output buffers to vary in accordance
with the present needs of the processes.
6.9. In the THE multiprogramming system [DIJK68], a drum (precursor to the disk for
secondary storage) is divided into input buffers, processing areas, and output buffers,
with floating boundaries, depending on the speed of the processes involved. The cur-
rent state of the drum can be characterized by the following parameters:
max = maximum number of pages on drum
i = number of input pages on drum
p = number of processing pages on drum
o = number of output pages on drum
reso = minimum number of pages reserved for output
resp = minimum number of pages reserved for processing
Formulate the necessary resource constraints that guarantee that the drum capacity is
not exceeded, and that a minimum number of pages is reserved permanently for output
and processing.
6.10. In the THE multiprogramming system, a page can make the following state transitions:
1. empty S input buffer (input production)
2. input buffer S processing area (input consumption)
3. processing area S output buffer (output production)
4. output buffer S empty (output consumption)
5. empty S processing area (procedure call)
6. processing area S empty (procedure return)
a. Define the effect of these transitions in terms of the quantities i, o, and p.
b. Can any of them lead to a deadlock if the assumptions made in Problem 6.6 about
input processes, user processes, and output processes hold?
Figure 6.17 A Spooling System
I PInput
bu�er OOutput
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6.11. At an instant, the resource allocation state in a system is as follows:
4 processes P1–P4
4 resource types: R1–R4
R1 (5 instances), R2 (3 instances), R3 (3 instances), R4 (3 instance)
Snapshot at time T0:
Allocation Request Available
R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4 R1 R2 R3 R4
P1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 1 1 2
P2 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 1
P3 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0
P4 1 1 0 0 4 0 3 1
Run the deadlock detection algorithm and test whether the system is deadlocked or
not. If it is, identify the processes that are deadlocked.
6.12. Suggest a deadlock recovery strategy for the situation depicted in Figure 6.10.
6.13. A pipeline algorithm is implemented so a stream of data elements of type T produced
by a process P0 passes through a sequence of processes P1, P2, c, Pn – 1, which operates
on the elements in that order.
a. Define a generalized message buffer that contains all the partially consumed data
elements, and write an algorithm for process Pi (0 … i … n – 1), of the form
receive from predecessor;
consume element;
send to successor:
Assume P0 receives input elements sent by Pn – 1. The algorithm should enable
the processes to operate directly on messages stored in the buffer so copying is
b. Show that the processes cannot be deadlocked with respect to the common buffer.
6.14. Suppose the following two processes, foo and bar, are executed concurrently and
share the semaphore variables S and R (each initialized to 1) and the integer variable
x ( initialized to 0).
void foo( ) {
do {
} while (1);
void bar( ) {
do {
} while (1);
a. Can the concurrent execution of these two processes result in one or both being
blocked forever? If yes, give an execution sequence in which one or both are
blocked forever.
b. Can the concurrent execution of these two processes result in the indefinite post-
ponement of one of them? If yes, give an execution sequence in which one is indefi-
nitely postponed.
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336 Chapter 6 / ConCurrenCy: DeaDloCk anD Starvation
6.15. Consider a system consisting of four processes and 9 instances of a single resource. The
current state of the claim (C) and allocation (A) matrices is:
C = §2
¥ a = §1
Is the system in a safe state? If so, will it remain in a safe state if the available resources
are allocated to the last process in sequence?
6.16. Consider the following ways of handling deadlock: (1) banker’s algorithm, (2) detect
deadlock and kill thread, releasing all resources, (3) reserve all resources in advance,
(4) restart thread and release all resources if thread needs to wait, (5) resource order-
ing, and (6) detect deadlock and roll back thread’s actions.
a. One criterion to use in evaluating different approaches to deadlock is which
approach permits the greatest concurrency. In other words, which approach
allows the most threads to make progress without waiting when there is no dead-
lock? Give a rank order from 1 to 6 for each of the ways of handling deadlock
just listed, where 1 allows the greatest degree of concurrency. Comment on your
b. Another criterion is efficiency; in other words, which requires the least processor
overhead. Rank order the approaches from 1 to 6, with 1 being the most efficient,
assuming deadlock is a very rare event. Comment on your ordering. Does your
ordering change if deadlocks occur frequently?
6.17. Consider a variation of the dining philosophers problem where the number of philoso-
phers is even. Can you devise a deadlock-free solution to the problem? Assume that
all other requirements are like those in the original problem.
6.18. Suppose there are two types of philosophers. One type always picks up his left fork
first (a “lefty”), and the other type always picks up his right fork first (a “righty”).
The behavior of a lefty is defined in Figure 6.12. The behavior of a righty is as
wait ( fork[ (i+1) mod 5] );
wait ( fork[i] );
signal ( fork[i] );
signal ( fork[ (i+1) mod 5] );
Prove the following:
a. Any seating arrangement of lefties and righties with at least one of each avoids
b. Any seating arrangement of lefties and righties with at least one of each prevents
6.19. Figure 6.18 shows another solution to the dining philosophers problem using monitors.
Compare to Figure 6.14 and report your conclusions.
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6.20. Some of the Linux atomic operations are listed in Table 6.2. Can you identify some ben-
efits of implementing these operations in uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems?
Write a simple program depicting the use of an atomic integer data type in implement-
ing counters.
6.21. Consider the following fragment of code on a Linux system.
Where mr_rwlock is a reader–writer lock. What is the effect of this code?
Figure 6.18 Another Solution to the Dining Philosophers Problem Using a MonitorVideoNote
monitor dining_controller;
enum states {thinking, hungry, eating} state[5];
cond needFork[5] /* condition variable */
void get_forks(int pid) /* pid is the philosopher id number */
state[pid] = hungry; /* announce that I’m hungry */
if (state[(pid+1) % 5] == eating || (state[(pid-1) % 5] == eating)
cwait(needFork[pid]); /* wait if either neighbor is eating */
state[pid] = eating; /* proceed if neither neighbor is eating */
void release_forks(int pid)
state[pid] = thinking;
/* give right (higher) neighbor a chance to eat */
if (state[(pid+1) % 5] == hungry) && (state[(pid+2)
% 5]) != eating)
/* give left (lower) neighbor a chance to eat */
else if (state[(pid–1) % 5] == hungry) && (state[(pid–2)
% 5]) != eating)
void philosopher[k=0 to 4] /* the five philosopher clients */
while (true) {
get_forks(k); /* client requests two forks via monitor */
release_forks(k); /* client releases forks via the monitor */
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338 Chapter 6 / ConCurrenCy: DeaDloCk anD Starvation
6.22. The two variables a and b have initial values of 1 and 2, respectively. The following
code is for a Linux system:
Thread 1 Thread 2
a = 3; —
mb(); —
b = 4; c = b;
— rmb();
— d = a;
What possible errors are avoided by the use of the memory barriers?
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292 Chapter 6 / ConCurrenCy: DeaDloCk anD Starvation
use of both resources for a certain period of time. Two processes, P and Q, have the
following general form:
Process P Process Q
• • • • • •
Get A
Get B
• • • • • •
Get B
Get A
• • • • • •
Release A
Release B
• • • • • •
Release B
Release A
• • • • • •
In Figure 6.2, the x-axis represents progress in the execution of P and the y-axis
represents progress in the execution of Q. The joint progress of the two processes is
therefore represented by a path that progresses from the origin in a northeasterly
direction. For a uniprocessor system, only one process at a time may execute, and
the path consists of alternating horizontal and vertical segments, with a horizontal
Figure 6.2 Example of Deadlock
of Q
of PGet A
Get A
Get B
Get B
B Required
Release A
Release B
P and Q
want A
P and Q
want B
1 2
5 Possible progress path of P and Q.
Horizontal portion of path indicates P is executing and Q is waiting.
Vertical portion of path indicates Q is executing and P is waiting.
5 Both P and Q want resource A
5 Both P and Q want resource B
5 Deadlock-inevitable region
6.1 / prinCipleS oF DeaDloCk 293
segment representing a period when P executes, and Q waits, and a vertical segment
representing a period when Q executes and P waits. The figure indicates areas in
which both P and Q require resource A (upward slanted lines); both P and Q require
resource B (downward slanted lines); and both P and Q require both resources.
Because we assume that each process requires exclusive control of any resource,
these are all forbidden regions; that is, it is impossible for any path representing the
joint execution progress of P and Q to enter these regions.
The figure shows six different execution paths. These can be summarized as
1. Q acquires B then A, then releases B and A. When P resumes execution, it will
be able to acquire both resources.
2. Q acquires B then A. P executes and blocks on a request for A. Q releases B
and A. When P resumes execution, it will be able to acquire both resources.
3. Q acquires B then P acquires A. Deadlock is inevitable, because as execution
proceeds, Q will block on A and P will block on B.
4. P acquires A then Q acquires B. Deadlock is inevitable, because as execution
proceeds, Q will block on A and P will block on B.
5. P acquires A then B. Q executes and blocks on a request for B. P releases A and
B. When Q resumes execution, it will be able to acquire both resources.
6. P acquires A then B, then releases A and B. When Q resumes execution, it will
be able to acquire both resources.
The gray-shaded area of Figure 6.2, which can be referred to as a fatal region,
applies to the commentary on paths 3 and 4. If an execution path enters this fatal
region, then deadlock is inevitable. Note the existence of a fatal region depends on
the logic of the two processes. However, deadlock is only inevitable if the joint prog-
ress of the two processes creates a path that enters the fatal region.
Whether or not deadlock occurs depends on both the dynamics of the execu-
tion and on the details of the application. For example, suppose P does not need both
resources at the same time so the two processes have the following form:
Process P Process Q
• • • • • •
Get A Get B
• • • • • •
Release A Get A
• • • • • •
Get B Release B
• • • • • •
Release B Release A
• • • • • •
This situation is reflected in Figure 6.3. Some thought should convince you that
regardless of the relative timing of the two processes, deadlock cannot occur.
As shown, the joint progress diagram can be used to record the execution
history of two processes that share resources. In cases where more than two
294 Chapter 6 / ConCurrenCy: DeaDloCk anD Starvation
processes may compete for the same resource, a higher-dimensional diagram
would be required. The principles concerning fatal regions and deadlock would
remain the same.
Reusable Resources
Two general categories of resources can be distinguished: reusable and consumable.
A reusable resource is one that can be safely used by only one process at a time and
is not depleted by that use. Processes obtain resource units that they later release
for reuse by other processes. Examples of reusable resources include processors, I/O
channels, main and secondary memory, devices, and data structures (such as files,
databases, and semaphores).
As an example of deadlock involving reusable resources, consider two pro-
cesses that compete for exclusive access to a disk file D and a tape drive T. The
programs engage in the operations depicted in Figure 6.4. Deadlock occurs if each
process holds one resource and requests the other. For example, deadlock occurs
if the multiprogramming system interleaves the execution of the two processes as
p0 p1 q0 q1 p2 q2
Figure 6.3 Example of No Deadlock [BACO03]
of PGet A Get B
A Required B Required
5 Both P and Q want resource A
5 Both P and Q want resource B
Release A Release B
1 2 3
P and Q
want A
P and Q
want B
5 Possible progress path of P and Q.
Horizontal portion of path indicates P is executing and Q is waiting.
Vertical portion of path indicates Q is executing and P is waiting.
of Q
Get A
Get B
CS 410 Operating Systems
Homework 04
All the questions are worth 3 pts/ea and the problems 5 pts/ea unless noted otherwise.
Review Questions
Chapter 5
5.1 List four design issues for which the concept of concurrency is relevant.
5.3 What is the basic requirement for the execution of concurrent processes?
5.4 List three degrees of awareness between processes and briefly define each.
5.5 What is the distinction between competing processes and cooperating processes?
5.6 List the three control problems associated with competing processes and briefly
define each.
5.7 List the requirements for mutual exclusion.
5.11 What is a monitor?
5.12 What is the distinction between blocking and nonblocking with respect to messages?
Chapter 6
6.2 What are the three conditions that must be present for a deadlock to be possible?
6.3 What are the four conditions that create deadlock?
6.4 How can the hold-and-wait condition be prevented?
6.5 List two ways in which the no-preemption condition can be prevented.
6.6 How can the circular-wait condition be prevented?
Chapter 5
5.2. Consider Dekker’s algorithm written for an arbitrary number of processes by changing the
statement executed when leaving the critical section from
turn = 1 – i/* i.e. P0 sets turn to 1 and P1 sets turn to 0 */
turn = (turn + 1) % n /* n = number of processes */
Evaluate the algorithm when the number of concurrently executing processes is greater than
5.3. Demonstrate that the following software approaches to mutual exclusion do not depend on
elementary mutual exclusion at the memory access level:
a. The bakery algorithm.
b. Peterson’s algorithm.
5.4. At the beginning of Section 5.2, it is stated that multiprogramming and multiprocessing
present the same problems, with respect to concurrency. This is true as far as it goes. However,
cite two differences in terms of concurrency between multiprogramming and multiprocessing.
5.8. Is busy waiting always less efficient (in terms of using processor time) than a blocking wait?
Chapter 6
6.3. For Figure 6.3, provide a narrative description of each of the six depicted paths, similar to
the description of the paths of Figure 6.2 provided in Section 6.1.
6.4. It was stated that deadlock cannot occur for the situation reflected in Figure 6.3. Justify that
6.5. a. b. c. d. ⇐ (6 pts total)
6.16. a. b.
Submit a DOCX or PDF document (PDF preferred) through Western Online with the answers to
the questions or problems typing the corresponding numbers and questions (or at least the
numbers) in bold and in the proper order before your answers (answers not in bold).
Use a different font color for all the numbers and questions, than the color used for your
answers. You can, as an example, use a blue color for all the numbers and questions, and black
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