READ What Is a Helping Relationship? Is a Professional Helping Relationship the Same as a Friendship? (ATTACHED) AND FOLLOW THE TECHNIQUE SUMMARY BELOW:
The technique summary is intended to be a shorthand tool for summarizing a technique. I wanted to create a standard protocol or tool that would be used to access a theory in the same way each time.
Techniques Summaries: This assessment is designed to help you become an active learner through consistent immersion in the concepts taught in this course. I want you to write professionally in the 3rd person, such as ”
Reflective listening is a technique that involves”…. no use of 1st person. I predict that you will learn about yourself as you learn the course content. Use the outline below in the paper itself. Use the outline as your major headings in the paper to keep you on track when completing the Summary. Length: 3 pages not including reference page double-spaced 12 point Times New Roman font). For your references use APA style. Here is the outline format:
“What Is a Helping Relationship? Is a Professional Helping Relationship the Same as a Friendship?
As you learn the art of helping, you will be able to provide friends with a listening ear, a caring attitude, and emotional support, enhancing your relationships and aiding those you care about. There is, however, a difference between a friendship and a professional helping relationship; each is founded on a distinct contract.
For example, in a friendship, the assumption is that we are there for each other. When you are in trouble, you can talk to me and vice versa. However, in a professional helping relationship, it is the client’s issues that are discussed and the client’s welfare that is paramount. In exchange, the helper receives compensation for services rendered. Consider this analogy: You mention to your friend, who is a dentist, that you have a toothache. She may suggest that you take some aspirin and that you make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. Despite her professional capabilities, she probably won’t pull out her dental equipment and start drilling in the living room. Although the analogy does not hold completely, helping can sometimes be a painful process and it is best accomplished in a more professional environment where a block of time is set aside. In addition, a professional helper is required to identify and articulate issues not normally broached in a friendship, such as painful childhood memories and issues that evoke guilt and shame. Moreover, the professional helper is committed to hours of listening, ethical conduct, confidentiality, responsibility for the outcome, and disregard for being liked by the client. The professional helper’s concern is to assist the client in reaching goals, not to maintain a long-term relationship.
One reason for drawing the distinction between a professional helping relationship and a friendship is that it is easy to make mistakes in both settings when you begin learning helping skills. You might be tempted to use elaborate techniques on your friends when all they are asking for is support. On the other hand, you might find yourself treating a client as a friend. When that happens, you might not be able to hold the client’s “feet to the fire” when it is required. Remember that with friends you have no agreement for change; instead you have a pact to care, show concern, and provide support. In the professional helping relationship, you have a contract to assist the client in crafting specific life changes—not in making a new friend, enjoying each other’s company, or discussing the weather, your family, or your favorite hobby. What makes this difficult is that we have learned our natural helping skills in the context of our friendships and family relationships. It is easy to find ourselves being sociable and sympathetic rather than thinking about how to move the client toward the agreed upon goals. It is likewise easy to act like a therapist with our friends, who may find this behavior intrusive and phony.
Before leaving this topic, let us take a moment to emphasize the importance of a contract in relationships. Eric Berne (1961), the founder of transactional analysis, felt that this is a vital aspect of the helping relationship, yet it is often ignored. Clients must know what they are agreeing to and must participate in the changes that they are about to make. They must also be informed about how long it might take, how they will know when they have gotten there, what techniques will be used, and how these will help the client. Berne believed that problems in relationships frequently occur because the parties have made assumptions but not outlined their expectations of each other. For example, clients may assume that everything that they say to their counselor is confidential, but it is not. There are several instances where counselors must release information—for example, to prevent harm to others. Some counselors outline the parameters of the professional relationship in a handout that they discuss with their clients. As you become a professional helper, you will recognize how important it is to identify the contract early so that people you meet on an airplane and clients you see in your office know whether you are acting as a friend or a professional helper. Although we have said that these two relationships are different, what are the specific qualities that the therapeutic relationship should possess to maximize the client’s progress?”