Task 1:
Find an article or a video related to this topic ( Portfolio Management and Performance Analysis) and then summarise it in one paragraph
Task 2:
Write a paragraph as a replay to a classmate post discuss their post for the same topic ( The student post i s in attach )
Student Post:
For this week’s forum, I have chosen to share an article from Forbes on how to
analyze a portfolio manager’s performance.
Choosing a portfolio manager in the first place is a difficult decision. Every investor
wants to maximize their returns and achieve consistency. The portfolio manager is
the driver who can help the investor reach their goals. Once a portfolio manager is
selected, the investor should closely monitor their portfolio’s performance to ensure
the manager is doing the best possible job. A flawed way of doing this is simply
checking performance of one calendar year. The investor typically invests at random
points in the year, which can alter total returns. The best way to analyze portfolio
performance is by asking to see rolling returns. This way the investor can see how
their portfolio performed each month instead of at the end of the year. The major
benefit of utilizing rolling returns is being able to measure consistency. By using this
strategy, the investor will be able to determine if their manager is worth keeping