Assignment 1 Baseline Survey: For Module 1
1.Describe your perceptions of and experiences with young children Ages 0-8.
2.Which early childhood theorists can you name that studied young children and what are your perceptions of these theorists?
3.Why do you think play and observation are such important parts of the early childhood classroom?
4 .Why do you think we put as much emphasis on physical and social emotional development for young children as we do on cognitive or academic development?
Why are parents or guardians a vital partner in early childhood education and how do we best partner with them in your experience?
Example :
Describe your perceptions of and experiences with young children Ages 0-8.
I am currently not working in a public-school population. As of today, I am a full-time employee at…. However, I am working to become a special education teacher. Therefore, the only experience that I have with children ages 0-8 is when I have been working as a babysitter. The family had 3 children: the older child was six years old, the middle child was two years old, and the youngest was five months old. I have been working in this family for around two years while I was receiving my associate degree. I can strongly say that these kids helped me to finalize my decision to become a teacher. I perceive every child as special because they are all different. I believe that teaching strategies must be adjusted to every child we teach.
Which theorists can you name that focused their theory around children in this age group?
I could name the following theories:
1. Erik Erikson Theory – 8 Stages of Development:
1. Jean Piaget Theory – Stages of cognitive development
1. Sigmund Freud Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
1. John Bowlby – Attachment theory
1. Lev Vygotsky – Sociocultural Theory
1. Albert Bandura – Social Learning Theory
What are some differences between children younger than 4 who are in school and those older?
Children learn differently, depending on their developmental stage.
Children younger than four years old are beginning to explore the world around them by hearing, touching, sighting, tasting, and smelling. Children are developing their thinking, language, imagination, speaking, and listening skills through creative playing.
Those children who are in school begin to think more logically. Around the age of eleven years old, children can make a decision on their own. They are able to learn how things work, understand, and organization skills.
Adolescence is seeing themselves as a unique and integrated person.
What are your academic expectations for very young children?
I would address academic support, such as identifying colors, shapes, counting, and motor skills. Children would learn how to recognize letters and names, read, and write their names. As a teacher, I would provide a level of understanding according to a child’s needs. I would also motivate the students to take part in extra curriculum activities.
What questions do you have about teaching very young children and working with their parents?
1. How to deal with a parent that is not showing any interest in participating in a child’s development?
1. How can a teacher follow a common core and, at the same time, give the knowledge to the students instead of just preparing them for tests?
1. What are some strategies I can use to manage the behavioral issues of young children?