GAP TABLE: This table is for the four GAPs selected from the GAP Analysis.
GAP Goal 1: 14; I have a good understanding of the needs of the people I work with.
Complete the following table with the details of your plan for GAP Goal 1.
Training & developmental activities toward Goal 1 Examples: · · · |
Target completion date / actual completion date |
Resources & costs |
Expected outcomes/measures |
Read at least three articles from the UMGC library on understanding the needs of people within an organization.- Good. |
Target: Actual: |
Free; I will use the UMGC library as a resource. |
I will know I’ve succeeded in gaining knowledge of my colleagues once I ask them to explain in detail if they believe I have a good understanding of them individually. – Very good. |
Conduct interviews with colleagues, seniors, peers, and subordinates – Good. |
Free; I will use my colleagues as a resource. |
Ask questions and get their different opinion. – Good. |
I will ask questions about their roles, processes, and career goals in the interview. – Will questions be asked of your colleagues, seniors, peers or subordinates? |
My colleagues will be able to ask me the same questions in the interview to gauge how much I understand them. – Okay. |
GAP Goal 2: 51; I am able to identify whether my organization’s leader uses a transactional or transformational leadership style and discuss the implications.
Complete the following table with the details of your plan for GAP Goal 2.
Training & developmental activities toward Goal 2 |
Observe my leader daily- What exactly will you observe of your leaders? Also, will your observation take place in a particular setting? |
Target: Actual: |
Free; writing pad for notes |
Gain a better understanding. – For this section, indicate how you will demonstrate this new competency or how others can validate your success in achieving this goal. |
Ask peers about their observations of my leader’s leadership style. – Okay |
Gather another point of view. – Same as above. |
Assess the information obtained through observation of my own and my peers. – Okay |
Free; observation |
Analyze the information observed and obtained to decide. – Same as above. |
GAP Goal 3: 9; I can objectively evaluate my organization’s climate and recommend changes if needed.
Complete the following table with the details of your plan for GAP Goal 3.
Training & developmental activities toward Goal 3 |
Complete a command climate survey – Okay. |
Target: Actual: |
Free; I will complete the evaluation using online tools for measuring an organization’s climate. |
Gain a better understanding – For this section, indicate how you will demonstrate this new competency or how others can validate your success in achieving this goal. |
Discuss command climate survey with peers – Good. |
Target: Actual: |
Free; discussion and take notes |
Receive a different point of view – From whom? |
Discuss command climate survey with supervisors/leaders – Good. |
Gain perspective from a different tier in the organization to get a comprehensive understanding – Okay |
GAP Goal 4: 11; I can determine whether the follow-the-sun model would be appropriate in a given set of circumstances.
Complete the following table with the details of your plan for Goal 4.
Training & developmental activities toward Goal 4 |
Research the follow-the-sun work model. – Indicate how will research be conducted? |
Free; library and internet |
Gather material about model – For this section, indicate how you will demonstrate this new competency or how others can validate your success in achieving this goal. |
Look for videos, workshops, or meetings to attend to see how this model will cause success. – Good. |
Free; internet (YouTube/Ted Talks, etc.) |
Gain an understanding of the model and how it applies – Same as above |
Ask other people and network to gain insight into the sun model. – Specify who the “other” people are? |
Target: Actual: |
Free; customers, employees, and other individuals would be my resource. |
Gain a better understanding of the model – Save as above. |
Leadership Development Plan MBA 610
This Leadership Development Plan serves as your road map for short-term training and development activities that will enhance your leadership competencies. You will review, revise, and update your plan several times during the course of your MBA degree program at UMGC.
Your name: Your current job title:
Long-Term Career Goal
Make sure your goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
In 3 to 5 years, my goal is to establish a successful business through leveraging technology in designing products and service offers and effective management skills to optimize resources.
This is a good start, however, to make it SMART, it must have certain elements. See below.
Specific: What exactly do you want to accomplish? You indicated to “establish a successful business through leveraging technology in designing products and service offers and effective management skills to optimize resources.”
Measurable: How will you know you have reached the finish line? How will your progress be determined?
Attainable: What are some milestones set to aid in the accomplishment of your goals?
Realistic: Is the goal achievable given your resources and the time frame specified?
Time-bound – What is the specific end date for your goal? Three to five years is not specific.
Finally, summarize your goal in a sentence or two. Below is an example.
“I will acquire an SES mentor by May 31, 2018, with whom I will meet quarterly through December 2019 setting 3 specific activities I will achieve before each successive quarterly mentor meeting all leading to achievement of SES status by December 2021.”
Short-Term Skills Development Needs
What skills will you need to acquire to achieve your long-term career goal?
My leadership skills training and development
1. Problem solving skills: this involves the ability to identify prevailing problems in the business and determining the most effective way to address the problem using the available resources.
2. Communication skills: these skills are aimed at ensuring I engage all stakeholders and parties in communication and interactions. These skills include listening skills, turn-taking and empathy while engaging others.
3. Negotiation skills: These skills involve the ability to bargain for best terms that support career goals. I plan on acquiring these skills through coaching and reading more books on business negotiations.
4. Project management skills: these are skills needed in developing an effective plan to ensure there is progress of a given program towards realisation of expected results.
5. Networking skills: These are skills that I need in creating a beneficial or resourceful network of friends with the aim of attaining business success and efficiency
. Networks are crucial in creating a strong base for business referrals.