Psychology and Social Justice 305
Reflection Topic 4
We’ve discussed children’s’ unique experience in our society. Their identities are intersectional and embedded in systems. Choose one (1) of the three American VALUES below (i.e. Ideology; Macrosystem)
a. EQUALITY / EGALITARIANISM People have equal opportunities; people are important as individuals, for who they are, not from which family they come. Result: A society where little deference is shown or status is acknowledged
b. INDIVIDUALISM, INDEPENDENCE AND PRIVACY People are seen as separate individuals (not group members) with individual needs. People need time to be alone and to be themselves. Result: Americans may be seen as self-centered and sometimes isolated and lonely.
c. SELF-HELP Americans take pride in their own accomplishments. Result: Americans give respect for self-achievements not achievements based on rights of birth.
2. Consider the ways in which the VALUE, in its current form functions to reinforce the oppression of marginalized youth in the year 2022 (viz., our current Zeitgeist).
a. You may consider the identity of the child (i.e. sex, age, ability, race, gender identity, nationality, language, religion, sexual orientation etc.). You may also consider intersectionality.
3. Describe how your service learning site enforces or reinforces this value.
4. What role does your service learning site play in challenging and/or reinforcing this value? (viz., even if your service site doesn’t impact children directly)
5. In your opinion, how do we reduce the epidemic of poor outcomes (i.e. Trauma) for marginalized youth? Please frame your answer in relation to your chosen value.
Resources (i.e. choose the resources that support your topic)
Short Clip of Tightrope PBS
PBS news story –Children arriving at the border 2018
PBS Talk about Race and Racism
Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris
Youth Advocacy-Community Partners
Anand Giridharadas
— A tale of two Americas
Assigned Articles
1. Rogers et al. (2021)
2. Suarez-Orosco et al (2018)
3. Any other article assigned in the course