Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3
1 of 6 1/29/2023, 10:05 AM
As globaliza�on has become increasingly common, so has the importance of analyzing opportuni�es to create value through outsourcing the supply chain. In this assignment, you will create a checklist to help determine
which country might be the best loca�on for parts of your organiza�on’s supply chain.
You are a consultant who specializes in helping U.S.‐based businesses expand into new interna�onal loca�ons. You have a new client who’s looking to outsource their company’s manufacturing of hard drives and
computer memory, and it’s your job to assist in selec�ng the new loca�ons. The company is very focused on quality, sustainability, and equality, and your client would like these a�ributes upheld in the new manufacturing
Your task is to evaluate two of the following countries:
• India
• Mexico
• Thailand
Then, recommend one country you believe would be the most suitable for the company’s new manufacturing facility, and one country that would be considered the least suitable.
Evaluate both countries being considered for a new manufacturing facility through explora�on of course and outside resources. Then, recommend the most and least suitable loca�on based on the company’s a�ributes
and requirements.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
• Sustainability Measures and Environmental Regula�on: Briefly describe sustainability measures and regula�ons in each country, and analyze how they may work well with or create conflict or tension with your
U.S.‐based company.
◦ Examples of items to consider include regula�ons around pollu�on, waster, and power sources.
• Cost and Workforce: Briefly describe each country’s workforce for the crea�on of computer components and the cost of that labor.
◦ Examples of items to consider include workforce educa�on levels, the overall cost of labor, types of manufacturing available in the country, and the existence of a specialized workforce that can create
computer components.
• Government Regula�on: Briefly describe the overall regulatory environment of each country. Take the most likely mode of entry into considera�on for each country.
◦ Examples of items to consider include the types of manufacturing opera�ons allowed in the country, the labor regula�ons, and the overall business regula�ons.
• Intellectual Property: Briefly describe the risk of intellectual property being stolen by crea�ng a manufacturing loca�on in each country.
◦ Examples of items to consider include each country’s reputa�on when it comes to intellectual property, intellectual property regula�ons, and any other legal protec�ons for intellectual property.
• Reputa�on: Briefly describe the ways an organiza�on can face reputa�onal risk through outsourcing its manufacturing to each country.
◦ Examples of items to consider include if and why other organiza�ons have closed manufacturing loca�ons in each country, how your organiza�on’s customer base will view manufacturing in each country,
and the protec�ons each country provides to its workforce and the environment.
• Recommenda�ons: Based on your evalua�ons of the key a�ributes and requirements, recommend one country that is the most suitable loca�on for your client’s new manufacturing facility, and one country that
would be the least suitable loca�on. Jus�fy your recommenda�ons with evidence from your evalua�ons and the course resources.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Five Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Sustainability Measures and
Environmental Regula�on
Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Describes sustainability
measures and regula�ons in each
country and analyzes how they
may work well with or create
conflict or tension between the
U.S.‐based company
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing further analysis of
noted sustainability measures
and regula�ons in rela�on to the
Does not a�empt criterion 1
Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3
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scenario or providing more
examples of sustainability
measures and regula�ons as part
of the analysis
Cost and Workforce Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes each country’s
workforce for the crea�on of
computer components and the
cost of that labor
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing a more detailed
descrip�on of each country’s
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Government Regula�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the overall
regulatory environment of each
country, taking the most likely
mode of entry into considera�on
for each
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing addi�onal informa�on
about each country’s regulatory
environment or most likely mode
of entry
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Intellectual Property Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the risk of
intellectual property the� that
may occur from crea�ng a
manufacturing loca�on in each
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include more
accurately es�ma�ng the risk
intellectual property the� from
each country
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Reputa�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the ways an
organiza�on can face
reputa�onal risk through
outsourcing its manufacturing to
each country
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing be�er or more
examples of the reputa�onal risk
relevant for each country
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Recommenda�ons Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Recommends one country as the
most suitable loca�on for the
client’s new manufacturing
facility and one country as the
least suitable, suppor�ng each
recommenda�on with evidence
from the assignment evalua�ons
and the course resources
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing a stronger suppor�ng
ra�onale for the
recommenda�ons or
incorpora�ng more relevant
evidence into the
Does not a�empt criterion 15
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3
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Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3
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Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3
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Activity Details
Module Five Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3
6 of 6 1/29/2023, 10:05 AM
5-2 Discussion: Benefits and Risks of
Outsourcing the Global Supply Chain
Globalization has created many opportunities for organizations. There are many advantages
and ways to create value through outsourcing portions of one’s global supply chain. For each
opportunity, there are also many ways for the project to run into problems.
In your initial post, address the following:
● Identify one example of an organization that created value for itself through outsourcing
part of its supply chain. Provide a link to one resource.
○ Identify the benefit that occurred.
○ How did this benefit help the organization create value? Who was the value
created for—the organization, or the customer?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.