6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
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Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
3 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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Task: View this topic
Activity Details
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
4 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA
mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro Library Academic SupportCourse Menu Tools Help
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
1 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
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2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1229306/viewContent/22320826/View
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6-2 Discussion: Balancing Business and
Customer Expectations
Customers are at the center of every company, and therefore it is important for businesses to be
influenced by customer requests and pushes for different products, product features, or
services. But customers frequently do not consider people, planet, and profit when making
requests. In this discussion, you will consider how businesses can influence their customers to
consider ethical approaches to people, planet, and profit.
In your initial discussion post, address the following questions:
● What are the positive and negative impacts of the “Amazon effect” for customers?
● As ethical concerns regarding business practices such as poor employee treatment,
negative environmental impacts of production, and decreasing use of local storefronts
are recognized, how much, if any, of the responsibility of these unethical practices fall to
the customers, and how much, if any, falls to businesses?
● Write a post of 2 to 3 paragraphs.
Module Six Assignment Guidelines and Rubric
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An important part of any organiza�on’s priori�es, as well as an important category of B Corp Cer�fica�on, is the considera�on of added value for customers. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
customer expecta�ons and consider how it can be applied to your course project, which is due in Module Seven.
You work in the opera�ons department at Na�onaliTeas, a large interna�onal corpora�on that manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Based on customer feedback and a push to work toward B Corp Cer�fica�on, the
board of directors is looking for new ini�a�ve ideas that would increase value to customers. Examples include offering product guarantees, seeking product quality cer�fica�ons, monitoring customer sa�sfac�on, and so
on. You have been asked to outline two customer‐focused ini�a�ves that can be evaluated by impacted teams for feasibility.
Specifically, you must address the following:
• Added Customer Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to customers. Use suppor�ng evidence from course materials in your response.
• Added Business Value: Briefly describe the added value your ini�a�ve idea brings to the organiza�on. Make sure to note the impact of the added customer value on the business, and use
evidence from the course
materials to support your response.
• Poten�al Resources: Iden�fy resources that would likely be needed to complete the ini�a�ve. In this case, resources might refer to the amount of funding, the materials available, the alloca�on of employees and
their �me, and so on.
• Monitoring and Evalua�on: Briefly describe how the success of the ini�a�ve would be monitored over �me and how you’d evaluate the criteria for success.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 500‐ to 750‐word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Module Six Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Added Customer Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the ini�a�ve idea brings to
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include be�er
suppor�ng the impact of the
outlined ini�a�ve with evidence
from course
Does not a�empt criterion 2
Added Business Value Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes the added value
the outlined ini�a�ve idea brings
to the organiza�on and clearly
notes the connec�on between
adding customer value and
organiza�onal value
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
further suppor�ng the impact of
the outlined ini�a�ve with
evidence from the course
Does not a�empt criterion 25
Poten�al Resources Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies resources that would
likely be needed to complete the
outlined ini�a�ve, such as (but
not limited to) resources such as
funding, materials, alloca�on of
employees, and �me
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant resources for
Does not a�empt criterion 20
Monitoring and Evalua�on Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Briefly describes how the
success of the ini�a�ve would be
monitored over �me and which
criteria would be used for
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
Does not a�empt criterion 20
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2 of 4 2/5/2023, 8:17 AM
criteria would be used for
evalua�ng this success
improvement may include
iden�fying more clearly aligned
or relevant metrics, criteria, or
monitoring strategies
Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas
Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors
Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors
Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on
Total: 100%
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