My topic is: topic of negligence but more on the lines of what duties do the coaches and leagues owe to the athletes to prevent some sort of injury during play or practice? ” Duty of Care”
Submit the final research question(s) and justify why it is important. You must provide at least 2 references/cases that are linked to your topic in order to show your justification.
This dose not need to be long 1 page at the most I have attached an example
William Tanda
Southern New Hampshire University
Research Questions and References
The research question for this final project is what duty do coaches owe to athletes to
prevent injuries? This an important topic because throughout the years we have heard about
lots of instances specifically at the high school level some coaches would ignore players who
say they are injured or have a concussion and would demand that they go back in the game,
but ultimately those players end up suffering further injury and making the injury worse than
what it already was.
Kroshus, E., Garnett, B., Hawrilenko, M., Baugh, C. M., & Calzo, J. P. (2015). Concussion
under-reporting and pressure from coaches, teammates, fans, and parents. Social science
& medicine (1982), 134, 66–75. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.04.011
Miller, J. R. (2018, March 6). Football coach urged ‘sissy’ players to play hurt: suit. Retrieved
Murray, E. (2014, November 8). Teens playing through pain, not taking sports injuries seriously.
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