See Attachment for complete instructions and grading rubric to ensure everything is covered.
Mini Literature Review (Week 4-8) – Due Week 8
- This paper is an opportunity to research a school counseling issue. Papers should review literature on either school counseling programs OR school counselor roles, leadership, and skills. Critically analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the literature
***SEE Attachment for grading rubric
See Resource Reading info:
- Kolbert, J. B., Crothers, L. M., & Hughes, T. L. (2017). Introduction to professional school counseling: Advocacy, leadership, and intervention. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9781315797441
- ASCA Student Membership : to an external site.
Supplemental Resources
ASCA ModelLinks to an external site.
ASCA Mindsets (PDF)Links to an external site.
[SCPE 1.4]
ASCA CompetenciesLinks to an external site.
SCPE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
ASCA Group CounselingLinks to an external site.
Due Friday, March 3, 2023, By 7:30 pm USA time/date
** Absolutely NO Plagiarism
***All writing must be original
****NO using writing or COPYING FROM COURSE HERO
***** My Instructor checks for plagiarism on Turn It In and on Safe assign