Respond to discussion 5
Respond to each person with at least 100 words
Reading these two scriptures were really a blessing to take into the heart. In John 14:12-17, it speaks on whoever believes in God will do the works that He has been doing, and we will do even greater things because we have went to the Father. We can ask for anything and he will do it. And if we love Him and keep His commands, He will ask the Father for another advocate to help us and be with us forever. In Psmals 139:7 it is asking where could we go if we go from His spirit and where could we flee from His presence. God is with us in everything and leads us through everything.
In a secular point of view related to reading and comprehension; because biblical or spiritual beliefs are the last thing on the mind in teaching, the works and the spirit of God is not impressed upon any of the students who are struggling with reading comprehension. The teachers are mostly going the motions of just listening, assessing, and moving on. The teachers are just doing enough to say they have done enough. The teacher is not going to go over and beyond to find the disconnects in the struggle of the reader and their comprehension. In the secular world there is no patience, understanding, or love while teaching.
In a Christian point of view, Teachers are lead by God’s spirit. The teachers do the work of God and more to want to see students who are struggling succeed. Reading comprehension is the biggest skill a lot of people lack. Back tracking to the myths we read earlier this week, it spoke on how students are to learn to read on their own, how kids adjust to reading after being pulled out of class for one-on-one and they fall back into the same place of struggle after the program is over, and how certain reading activities are not helpful as we think. Teachers who seek God in challenges like this when students struggle, they go over and beyond. The teachers get to know the students, they are gentle with the students, they also encourage and rejoice in the good they do while struggling.
From a christian standpoint, we can’t save all students especially when it comes to students who are struggling but, if you seek God and continue to keep His commandments, another advocate will be sent to guide and shift the situation in a graceful way. When we as christians work hard for others to succeed that same grace is placed upon that person (student). When teaching reading comprehension, there are different approaches that need to be taken for students to skillfully catch on. Even when we are weak God is strong if we just trust that he will do the work in us to keep trying in teaching reading in many ways, as he teaches us in many ways. He has compassion for us. We should have the patience and the compassion for those who struggle in this area, because its not all the time easy.
Comprehension is the ability to comprehend and interpret what is read. The key challenge with learners with reading is developing interpretive skills, as well as recognizing and comprehending the context of words or phrases, and language utilized during reading. Developing effective classroom tactics, approaches, and activities may assist students who have difficulties in reading to become good readers. It is up to the instructors to choose their methods of reading comprehension instruction and evaluation.
Psalms 139:7-10 tells us that God is with us wherever we may go. If an instructor is teaching reading comprehension from the Christian point of view; they can tell their students to stay encouraged because God is with them every step of the way. As an instructor, (John 14:12), doing God’s work can help students have the confidence to improve on learning to read for comprehension. Instructors should be rigorous and consistent in teaching various reading tactics and strategies. Students may use guided reading strategies to answer questions of a story.
Reading comprehension taught from a secular viewpoint allows the instructor to use real life strategies to help students comprehend. The instructor needs to know what students are struggling with when they read. They can come up with strategies to help students learn to comprehend reading. Instructors can give questions related to the text to help students learn to comprehend what they are reading. Reading comprehension is a continuous process with the use of different approaches and ideas to assist students improve their reading skills.
This weeks scriptures were very relatable to the teaching and learning of reading. Just as we will follow and depend on God for understanding and guidance in our lives, students must trust their teacher enough to know that they will never leave them stray. Reading is known to be one of the most important subjects in school. When teaching this subject one must have the patience of God to successfully get children to understand the concept and the reasoning behind it. From a Christians point of view I believe that teachers should willingly give their all when introducing new lessons to kids. Students should be taught in a way that they would fully comprehend the material verses just retaining the information to pass their test. It is proven that most students only memorize the information for their test instead of it being carried in their minds years and years from now. Students who do not perform well and has to be considered for remediation could be taught the information using a different approach from the original one. This would give teachers the opportunity to see why that particular method of teaching did not stick with some or all of their students. I believe that in the secular world, the teaching of reading would not be taken as serious or no one would believe that it is second nature. It is very common nowadays for children not to read books often and actually understand the text. Students can use certain words I’m their everyday conversation, but not really understand what they mean. When the work is not being put into the students education it results in them doing poorly in school. We often wait until a student is extremely behind to express concerns or get them the help that they may need. Sometimes students still fail to master reading in this case. As educators we must trust that we have the ability to change students lives. We should never consider giving up on our youth because most times they are looking at their teachers as role models. As Christians sometimes our faith begins to waver, but we must remain faithful and know that God can help us with all things.