100 word response 1 reference due 1/21/2023
Problem-solving courts provide assistance to individuals experiencing criminal hardship, whether they are addicts, veterans, or anyone within a community in need. The purpose of problem-solving courts is to address underlying issues that contribute to criminal behavior and trends in the legal system, such as domestic violence or drug abuse (ICJIA | Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, n.d.). The problem-solving courts assist individuals in a way that the average court system cannot. Research has shown that these courts “combine non-adversarial proceedings and the provision of services for social and psychological issues to reduce recidivism, which in turn can decrease criminal justice costs to taxpayers, increase public safety, and reintegrate offenders back into society” (ICJIA | Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, n.d.). In addition to being rehabilitated and learning from mistakes, individuals will have the opportunity to receive justice if appropriate based on their circumstances. In keeping all these things in mind, it is imperative to consider some factors beforehand. Their target audience includes individuals that are at high risk of recidivism and who are in high demand of services based on validated objective risk-needs assessment tools (ICJIA | Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, n.d.). Problem-resolution courts are also evaluated on the basis of their effectiveness, which includes their types of courts, expansion and development, and implementation and operation considerations. The problem-solving courts reduce caseloads and reduce the time between trial and disposition, increasing trial capacity for more serious crimes while offering therapeutic jurisprudence to reduce criminal offending without jeopardizing public safety or due process (Problem-Solving Courts, n.d.). Overall, the goal of this court is to provide quality care for individuals who are in need of it.