In responding to your peers, identify at least one strength in their presentations and provide at least one opportunity for improvement. This is an opportunity to provide constructive feedback, so be sure that your feedback is provided in the spirit of continuous improvement.
Healthcare Marketing and Communication Plan- Addition of Adolescent Residential Program at Bellevue Hospital
IHP 510 Dr. Paul Vanassche
Keisha Dover
My proposed service to be added to Bellevue Hospital is a residential facility for adolescents treating substance abuse and mental health issues.
Key Ideas:
Need for longer term, residential setting for adolescent mental health and substance use
Partnership with the judicial system
Increase mental health & substance use services to help decrease crime in the area
Contract with state insurances and utilize grants to meet the needed population
The top thoughts from the proposal are emphasizing the need for a longer term setting that can help adolescents learn healthy ways to live while addressing any mental health and/or substance use issues. The current population served by Bellevue has seen a recent increase in crime and adolescent involvement in the judicial system. By offering this service and creating a partnership with the judicial system, there is great opportunity to help adolescents turn their lives around and not continue on a path of destruction into adulthood. Contracting with state insurance plans and applying for grants will be a huge help for the low-income population of those situated in closest proximity to Bellevue.
*Lack of financial support/funding for programming
*Creating a safe but successful partnership with the judicial system for first time offenders
*Offering continued adolescent support without direct support from home
The challenges I learned while researching for the program were the difficulties with financial support and funding. Bellevue will need to pay employees, provide a safe facility for the services, and maintain continuous programming which all cost money. One will need to identify specific state grants to help fund the start of this program and ultimately, to aid in maintaining the program long-term. Another challenge will be connecting patients to continued support once they’ve completed the program. Many adolescents will be returning to toxic home lives so a clear treatment plan with support will need to be established prior to patients discharging from the program.
Ethical Considerations Used to Execute the plan:
AMA Code of Ethics- honesty, compassion, respect with no discrimination
The ethical considerations I used to execute the plan are in alignment with the AMA Code of Ethics. These consist of honesty, compassion and respect. The individuals one would need to market the service to are highly vulnerable and often have experienced a great amount of trauma so it is important that when executing the plan, we must maintain respect and compassion for all involved. Lastly, because Bellevue prides itself on treating all patients without discrimination, we must adhere to this as well and ensure all people feel equal for the plan to be successful.
Healthcare Marketing and Communication Plan
Healthy Lifestyle Program for Bellevue Hospital
Hannah Cameron
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Vanassche
Key Ideas
A healthy lifestyle program for Bellevue Hospital.
This program will treat chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, etc. with a holistic approach.
Patients will learn about this program through doctor referrals and social media.
This program aligns with Bellevue Hospitals vision of creating a healthier life for all New Yorkers.
A healthy lifestyle program would be beneficial for Bellevue hospital because it incorporates a more holistic approach of healing. Many conditions can be treated with this program including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic stress and sleep disorders. Patients would work with a variety of specialists to get to the root of their illness and focus heavily on healthy eating habits, daily exercise, and stress reduction techniques. The service is necessary because lifestyle diseases are increasing among the aging population causing deaths and disabilities (Fernandes et al.,
022). This program aligns with the vision of Bellevue Hospital to ensure all New Yorkers are living their healthiest lives. This program will be advertised in doctors’ offices around New York as well as through a social media campaign.
Best Elements
Utilizing doctors’ offices and walk in clinics around New York to reach a variety of people that struggle with chronic illness.
Group sessions for groups of people that struggle with the same illness.
A holistic approach will allow patients to eventually take less medication and manage their illness naturally.
There are many elements in this program that make it stand out to competitors. The use of doctors offices and walk in clinics will allow our campaign to target those patients that struggle the most with lifestyle conditions. Group sessions with patients that have the same illness will allow patients to discuss methods of healing that are helping the most, and ones that are not as effective. A holistic approach is very attractive to many patients because taking a variety of medication everyday is not realistic for many people. This may be due to gaps in insurance coverage or a busy schedule.
Ensuring that our program has distinct differences from others in surrounding hospitals.
Ensuring that patients are sticking to their regimen to achieve best results.
Navigating social media and using our resources to reach out in the best way to our target market.
Ensuring that our healthy lifestyle program has distinct differences than those of surrounding hospitals will set Bellevue Hospital apart from the others and bring in more clientele. One challenge that this program will constantly face is the uncertainty of if patients are following their regimen or not, and how to tailor their regimen to their specific lifestyle. Navigating social media and targeting the appropriate clientele will be challenging because of the ever-changing world of social media and the large variety of conditions this program will treat.
Ethical Considerations
Incorporating the ACHE and AMA code of ethics.
Ensuring patient confidentiality and HIPAA compliance.
Ensuring that information on campaign marketing is truthful and accurate.
Ethical considerations are very important with any campaign, especially when it comes to healthcare. Ensuring that the campaign is compliant with ACHE, AMA and HIPAA will be very important to the success of this program.
Fernandes, J. B., Teixeira, F., & Godinho, C. (2022). Personalized care and treatment compliance in chronic conditions. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(5), 737.
NYC Health and Hospitals. (2022). About NYC Health and Hospitals.
Thank You
Hannah Cameron
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