I need assistance with a study guide
The exam will consist of 10 short essay questions, each worth up to 10 points.
Be familiar with APA and ACA “Professional Values” and “Ethical Principles”
Be familiar with APA and ACA ethics codes related to multicultural issues, client rights, counselor responsibilities/competence, confidentiality, boundaries/multiple relationships.
Know the “Levels of Ethics” and be able to compare and contrast with examples
Be familiar with limitations of ethical codes
Be able to clearly distinguish between ethics and law. What should be done if the two conflict?
Know potential problems/benefits of telecommunication within the therapeutic relationship
Know under which circumstances confidentiality can be broken.
How should the unethical behavior of a colleague be handled?
What is risk management? What can a counselor do to reduce “risk”?
What are some common reasons for malpractice suits against counselors? How can these law suits be avoided? Be specific.
Be familiar with legal cases that led to “Duty to Warn”. What is duty to warn?