Choose one of the following topics below and address the corresponding questions.Option #1 – Intelligence Test
Base your answers on your observations about the intelligence test you took in the Unit Readings and Activities.
- Were the concepts of fluid and/or crystallized intelligence demonstrated through the test you took? Why or why not? Provide examples from the test itself in support of your response.
- Did the test measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? If so, how? If not, how did it not measure practical and/or emotional intelligence? Provide examples from the test in support of your response.
- Was the test accurate in measuring intelligence, according to Binet? If so, how? If not, how was it not accurate? Provide examples from the test to support your answer.
- How might this test have been culturally biased? Conversely, do you feel that it was culture fair? Provide examples from the test that support your perspective.
OROption #2 – Multiple Intelligences
- What is meant by Multiple Intelligences?
- Take the Multiple Intelligence Inventory and determine which intelligences you score “high” on and which you score “low” on. Are the results consistent with your perception of yourself? Why or why not?
- Do you feel the test was culturally fair? Explain.
- What applications do the theory of Multiple Intelligences have in educational settings?
Estimated time required: 20 minutes
For each of the statements below, choose a number between 1 and 5 to rate how the statement describes you.
1 – No, the statement is not at all like me 4 – The statement is a lot like me
2 – The statement is a little like me 5 – Yes, the statement is definitely me
3 – The statement is somewhat like me
I can use lots of different words to express myself.
I feel comfortable working with language and
I enjoy crosswords and other word games like
I tend to remember things exactly as they are said
to me.
I enjoy participating in debates and/or discussions.
I find it easy to explain things to others.
I enjoy keeping a written journal and/or writing
stories and articles.
I like to read a lot.
I understand colour combinations and what colours
work well together.
I enjoy solving jigsaw, maze and/or other visual
I read charts and maps easily.
I have a good sense of direction.
I like to watch the scenes and activities in movies.
I am observant. I often see things that others miss.
I can anticipate the moves and consequences in a
game plan (i.e., hockey sense, chess sense).
I can picture scenes in my head when I remember
I often play music in my mind.
My mood changes when I listen to music.
It is easy for me to follow the beat of music.
I can pick out different instruments when I listen to
a piece of music.
I keep time when music is playing.
I can hear an off-key note.
I find it easy to engage in musical activities.
I can remember pieces of music easily.
I work best in an organised work area.
I enjoy maths and using numbers.
I keep a ‘things to do’ list.
I enjoy playing brainteasers and logic puzzles.
I like to ask ‘why’ questions.
I work best when I have a day planner or timetable.
I quickly grasp cause and effect relationships.
I always do things one step at a time.
I can sense the moods and feelings of others.
I work best when interacting with people.
I enjoy team sports rather than individual sports.
I can sort out arguments between friends.
I prefer group activities rather than ones I do alone.
I enjoy learning about different cultures.
I enjoy social events like parties.
I enjoy sharing my ideas and feelings with others.
Pollution makes me angry.
I notice similarities and differences in trees, flowers
and other things in nature.
I feel very strongly about protecting the
I enjoy watching nature programs on television.
I engage in ‘clean-up days’.
I like planting and caring for a garden.
I enjoy fishing, bushwalking and bird-watching.
When I leave school, I hope to work with plants
and animals.
Multiple Intelligence Graph
I like to move, tap or fidget when sitting.
I enjoy participating in active sports.
I am curious as to how things feel and I tend to
touch objects and examine their texture.
I am well co-ordinated.
I like working with my hands.
I prefer to be physically involved rather than
sitting and watching.
I understand best by doing (i.e. touching, moving
and interacting).
I like to think through problems while I walk
or run.
I know myself well.
I have a few close friends.
I have strong opinions about controversial issues.
I work best when the activity is self-paced.
I am not easily influenced by other people.
I have a good understanding of my feelings and
how I will react to situations.
I often raise questions concerning values and
I enjoy working on my own.
Verbal/ Logical/ Visual/ Inter- Musical Naturalistic Body/ Intra-
Linguistic Mathematical Spatial personal Kinesthetic personal