Discussion 1
The National Vital Statistics System is responsible for maintaining the official vital statistics of the U.S. population. Certificates of live births and deaths are probably the most common vital statistics that are held within this system.
· Explain why this information is important to a healthcare provider such as a physician, hospital or health department.
· Examine at least three uses for a hospital birth and death information, from the hospital’s standpoint, the region’s standpoint, and the state’s standpoint.
Things to reply too
Explain why this information is important to healthcare a provider such as a physician, hospital, or health department.
The healthcare industry relies on vital statistics such as birth and death records for various needs, including improving health, identifying and addressing health issues, and helping to guide public health and health policy decisions. Information from vital statistics is also used to measure the progress toward quality improvement and public health goals.
Examine at least three uses for a hospital birth and death information from the hospital’s standpoint, the region’s standpoint, and the state’s standpoint.
The National Vital Statistics System produces essential health indicators critical to the hospital, region, and the state’s standpoint, including teen births and birth rates, cesarean delivery, preterm birth, infant mortality rates, leading causes of death, and life expectancy.
Vital statistics also provide insight into significant trends in health, including chronic conditions, progress in reducing deaths due to motor vehicle accidents, and the evolving challenge of substance abuse.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states, “Maternal and infant mortality are important indicators of the nation’s health, influencing policy development, funding of programs and research, and health care quality measures.”
These vital statistics are essential for the health and welfare of our communities and the country.
Reply 2
Hello Class,
· Explain why this information is important to a healthcare provider such as a physician, hospital, or health department.
Vital records can be used for various things. They can be used as an indicator of the population increase or decrease. They can also be used to identify health-related matters and gauge progress concerning the quality improvement and public health. “This Committee Opinion describes the process by which births, maternal deaths, and fetal deaths are registered; the challenges faced with a decentralized reporting system; and the important role for obstetrician–gynecologists in improving the accuracy, reliability, and timeliness of vital records” (ACOG, 2019).
· Examine at least three uses for a hospital birth and death information, from the hospital’s standpoint, the region’s standpoint, and the state’s standpoint.
Birth and death certificates are useful to track disease and health patterns. For example, they can determine trends such as an increase in opioid-related deaths. This information can be used to create a strategy to reduce opioid overdoses. State and federal lawmakers can use vital records to develop policies and plan services. Additionally, they can be used to determine the causes of infant death. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this information helps in establishing programs to address the problems associated with infant deaths (1987).