READ THESE two discussion questions and provide the answer – you also need to provide two references per answer
Topic 4 DQ 1
There are many sources of data that can be used in a qualitative case study. Common sources are questionnaires with open-ended questions, one-on-one semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and archival data. You have been asked to conduct a qualitative case study of high school teachers to explore their thoughts and perceptions about the use of tablets in the classroom. Which of the above sources would be the best sources of data to conduct this research as a qualitative case study? Why? Which of these data sources would be less useful for a qualitative case study design? Why?
Topic 4 DQ 2
You have conducted a case study exploring the thoughts and perceptions of high school teachers regarding the use of tablets in their classrooms. You have collected three sources of data including semi-structured interviews. How might you analyze the data gathered from the semi-structured interviews you conducted? Explain. After you analyze the interviews and the remaining sources of data, how might you triangulate the data to answer the research questions? Why?
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (11): 1602-1604, 2008
ISSN 1546-9239
© 2008 Science Publications
Case Study: A Strategic Research Methodology
Khairul Baharein Mohd Noor
Universiti Industri Selangor, 40000, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Abstract: This research reviews the literature on case study as a strategic qualitative research
methodology. Although case studies have been criticised by some authors as lacking scientific rigour
and do not address generalizability, this research, however, reiterated its appropriateness when dealing
with a process or a complex real-life activities in great-depth. Case study has been commonly used in
social science fields like sociology, industrial relations and anthropology eventhough generally was
considered an underutilized strategy. Hence, this research explained the general concept of a case
study, strengths and weaknesses of using this method knowing that theoretically case is exciting and
data rich. Based on a study of four organizations and the researcher’s own experience, this article
described matters on how case study was undertaken, gaining excess to those organizations and the
systematic process of data collection and triangulation (multiple techniques). It was noted that
combining multiple techniques for elicitng data in case study research actually strengthens and
confirmed results.
Key words: Case study, research methodology, qualitative research, triangulation
The choice of which method to employ is
dependent upon the nature of the research problem,
Morgan and Smircich (1980) argue that the actual
suitability of a research method, derives from the nature
of the social phenomena to be explored[1]. There are
basically two basic methodological traditions of
research in social science, namely positivism and post-
positivism (phenomenology).
Positivism is an approach to the creation of
knowledge through research which emphasizes the
model of natural science: the scientist adopts the
position of objective researcher, who collects facts
about the social world and then builds up an
explanation of social life by arranging such facts in a
chain of causality[2].
In contrast, post-positivism is about a reality which
is socially constructed rather than objectively
determined. Hence the task of social scientist should
not be to gather facts and measure how often certain
patterns occur, but to appreciate the different
constructions and meanings that people place upon their
Positivism, thus, which is based on the natural
science model of dealing with facts, is more closely
associated with quantitative method of analysis. On the
other hand, post-positivism that deals with
understanding the subjectivity of social phenomena,
requires a qualitative approach.
In explaining qualitative research, Denzin and
Lincoln[4] state that, qualitative implies an emphasis on
processes and meanings that are not rigorously
examined, measured (if measured at all), in terms of
quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency. Thus, there
are instances, particularly in the social sciences, where
researchers are interested in insight, discovery, and
interpretation rather than hypothesis testing[5].
In explaining what a case is, Yin suggests that the
term refers to an event, an entity, an individual or even
a unit of analysis. It is an empirical inquiry that
investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real
life context using multiple sources of evidence[6].
Anderson[7] sees case studies as being concerned with
how and why things happen, allowing the investigation
of contextual realities and the differences between what
was planned and what actually occurred. Case study is
not intended as a study of the entire organization.
Rather is intended to focus on a particular issue, feature
or unit of analysis. In order to understand and examine
the processes of training activities in organizations, case
study method was chosen. This method enables me to
understand the complex real-life activities in which
multiple sources of evidence were used. The used of
case study to probe an area of interest in depth is
particularly appropriate as described by Patton[8], Case
studies become particularly useful where one needs to
Am. J. Applied Sci., 5 (11): 1602-1604, 2008
understand some particular problem or situation in
great-depth, and where one can identify cases rich in
Case studies have been criticised by some as lack
of scientific rigour and reliability and that they do not
address the issues of generalizability[9]. However, there
are some strengths of case study. For example, it
enables the researcher to gain an holistic view of a
certain phenomenon or series of events[10] and can
provide a round picture since many sources of evidence
were used.
Another advantage is that case study can be useful
in capturing the emergent and immanent properties of
life in organizations and the ebb and flow of
organizational activity, especially where it is changing
very fast[11].
Case studies also allow generalizations as that
result of findings using multiple cases can lead to some
form of replication.
According to Yin[12] there are there types of case
study research exploratory, descriptive, and
explanatory. Researchers in business related subjects
sometimes limit case studies to the exploratory use. For
example, pilot case study can be used as a basis for
formulating questions or hypothesis testing. Descriptive
case study is an attempt to describe, like what happen to
a product when it is launched. Explanatory research can
be useful for example to study processes in companies.
In my research I subscribed to descriptive case
study where observations were conducted in four
organizations and reporting them. The entire process of
undertaking the case studies research is as shown in the
diagram in Fig.1.
As shown in Fig. 1, the first stage of the research
was doing an extensive literature on the subject studied
by computer and manual methods. In addition, several
discussions with the academic supervisor, colleagues
and professional staff in selected organizations were
also conducted to extract valuable information in order
to construct a framework for this research. Opinions
from professional staff and documents from selected
companies were useful in gaining an early
understanding of the topics that needed to be explored.
This was followed by the formulation of a theoretical
framework which formed a structure for the study. A
set of research questions to be used in interviews was
later constructed.
Fig. 1: Stafes involved in conduction case studies
As the interview was the primary data gathering
instrument for the research a semi-structured interview
was chosen where questions were carefully designed to
provide adequate coverage for the purpose of the
research. Major questions were developed in the form
of a general statement which was then followed by a
sequence of sub-questions for further probing.
The questions were then piloted with several
managers from two countries. The piloting was aimed
at identifying ambiguities, helping to clarify the
wording of questions and permitting early detection of
necessary additions or omissions.
Purposive sampling was used in this research as a
sampling strategy. The names of respondents were
initially determined by the management of each
organization through company record based on their job
responsibilities, position and involvement in the subject
studied. However, respondents were also selected on
the basis of the researcher’s individual judgment where
permitted on the ground that they could provide the
necessary information needed for the research.
Most of the fieldwork involved interviewing using
semi-structured questions with various categories of
respondents from the participating organizations.
Besides in-depth interviewing, the researcher observed
himself the process of training activities in each
organization. This will be discussed later under the
heading of techniques for eliciting information. As well
as interviewing and observation, the fieldwork included
analysis of documentary sources in each organization.
Documents were collected from the organizations’
resource center, individual file record, libraries of
Am. J. Applied Sci., 5 (11): 1602-1604, 2008
various universities, company reports, company
newsletter and other printed materials (e.g. newspaper
cuttings, journals, text books, conference reports,
articles, training packages) that were made available for
the purpose of the research.
The choice of semi-structured rather than
structured interview was employed because it offers
sufficient flexibility to approach different respondents
differently while still covering the same areas of data
collection. The interviews were tape-recorded to secure
an accurate account of the conversations and avoid
loosing data since not everything can be written down
during interview. And every cassette tape was
numbered and labeled with name of interviewee in
order to avoid complication.
This is where the researcher observed phenomena
of interest in the environment studied to draw
information which was not obtainable from other
methods. What had been observed by the researcher
was related to the physical setting and environment
within which the training activities took place.
Observation generated insight and better understanding
on the phenomenon under studied.
This was important to supplement as well as to
compensate for the limitations of other methods.
Documentary evidence acts as a method to cross-
validate information gathered from interview and
observation given that sometimes what people say
maybe different from what people do. Additionally,
documents provide guidelines in assisting the
researcher with his inquiry during interview. Official
and unofficial documents and records pertaining to the
process of training activities in the organizations were
analyzed. Thus, corroboration of multiple qualitative
techniques for this case studies research therefore
enhance the validity and reliability of findings.
A multiple case study was employed in the
research study. The choice for multiple cases is
appropriate given that Yin (1993) argues, Multiple-case
studies should follow a replication, not sampling logic.
This means that two or more cases should be included
within the same study precisely because the investigator
predicts that similar results (replication) will be found.
If such replication are indeed found for several cases,
you can have more confidence in the overall results.
The development of consistent findings, over
multiple cases, can then be considered a very
robust finding[13] .
Examining a number of organizations enhances the
accuracy, validity and reliability of the results by
capturing the holistic essence of the subject studied.
1. Morgan, G., and L. Smircich, 1980. The Case for
Qualitative Research. Acad. Manag. Rev.,
5 (4): 491-500.
2. Finch, J., 1986. Research and Policy. The Falmer
Press, London, pp: 6-10.
3. Easterby-Smith, M., R. Thorpe, and A. Lowe,
1991. Management Research: An Introduction.
Sage Publication, London, pp: 23-25.
4. Denzin, N., and Y. Lincoln, 1994. Handbook of
Qualitative Research. Sage Publicatio, California,
pp: 3-5.
5. Merriam, S., 1988. Case Study Research in
Education: A Qualitative Approach. Jossey-Bass
Publishers, California, pp: 4-25.
6. Yin, R., 1989. Case Study Research. Sage
Publication, California, pp: 22-26.
7. Anderson, G., 1993. Fundamentals of Educational
Research. Falmer Press, London, pp: 152-160.
8. Patton, M., 1987. How to Use Qualitative
Methods in Evaluation. Sage Publication,
California, pp: 18-20.
9. Johnson, D., 1994. Research Methods in
Educational Management. Longman Group, Essex.
10. Gummesson, E., 1991. Qualitative Methods in
Management Research. Sage Publication,
California, pp: 83-156.
11. Hartley, J., 1994. Case Studies in Organizational
Research in Casell and Symon 1994 Qualitative
Methods in Organizational Research. Sage
Publication, London, pp: 208-229.
12. Yin, R., 1984. Case Study Research: Design and
Methods. Sage Publication, California, pp: 11-15.
13. Yin, R., 1993. Application of Case Study
Research. Sage Publication, California, pp: 33-35.