1. Student will interview a selected elder from the community (signed consent form required)
2. Select 2 assessment tools covered in class (e.g. Occupational History Interview, Quality of Life Assessment, Interest Checklist) to use during the interview process and summarize the results of the assessments.
3. Complete a pie graph, line graph or bar graph depicting percentage of time spent by the elder on specific occupations. Summarize the graph to determine areas of imbalance or the need for wellness activities to be incorporated (problem list).
4. Conduct research to obtain evidenced based practice related to:
Ø Wellness programs and service delivery options within this emerging practice area with particular emphasis on new and emerging approaches/techniques.
Ø Primary Care in the role of prevention and health promotion
5. In collaboration with the occupational therapist, establish 4 LTG and 2 patient education goals derived from the resulting problem list. Include treatment approaches and selected activities (that reflect patient’s interest) to attain goals.
6. In collaboration with the occupational therapist, the students will use the results to create a Wellness Program with particular emphasis on new and emerging approaches/techniques for the elder.
7. Students are to review the results and recommendations with the elder to determine if they are interested in pursuing the goals/intervention planned.
8. Present outcomes via Power point the resulting Wellness program/project with input/responses from the elder. Additional multimedia formats are a plus (e.g. videotaping the interview)
Wellness Program for an Elder
Student Name: _______________________________________
Date: ________________________
Course: OTA 202/OTA 203: OT treatment planning & techniques for Geriatrics & Mental Health Lecture/Lab
Objectives from OTA 202 Syllabus: Unit three: Assessments; Unit four: Alternative and Emerging treatment approaches; Unit five: Evaluation Techniques for Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), Education, Work, Play, Leisure, and Social Participation (using the OTPF for guidance); Unit ten: Identify strategies to assist the consumer in gaining access to occupational therapy services.; Unit ten: Identify strategies to assist the consumer in gaining access to occupational therapy services.
Curriculum thread addressed:
· Occupation centered practice
1. Student will interview a selected elder from the community (signed consent form required)
2. Select 2 assessment tools covered in class (e.g. Occupational History Interview, Quality of Life Assessment, Interest Checklist) to use during the interview process and summarize the results of the assessments.
Complete a pie graph, line graph or bar graph depicting percentage of time spent by the elder on specific occupations. Summarize the graph to determine areas of imbalance or the need for wellness activities to be incorporated (problem list).
4. Conduct research to obtain evidenced based practice related to:
· Wellness programs and service delivery options within this emerging practice area with particular emphasis on new and emerging approaches/techniques.
· Primary Care in the role of prevention and health promotion
5. In collaboration with the occupational therapist, establish 4 LTG and 2 patient education goals derived from the resulting problem list. Include treatment approaches and selected activities (that reflect patient’s interest) to attain goals.
6. In collaboration with the occupational therapist, the students will use the results to create a Wellness Program with particular emphasis on new and emerging approaches/techniques for the elder.
7. Students are to review the results and recommendations with the elder to determine if they are interested in pursuing the goals/intervention planned.
8. Present outcomes via Power point the resulting Wellness program/project with input/responses from the elder. Additional multimedia formats are a plus (e.g. videotaping the interview)
Exceeds expectation
Instructor Comments
Achieves expectation
Barely achieves expectation
Significantly below performance
Instructor Comments
Both assessment tools complete and thorough; time chart/graph; consent form included
Chart/graph includes a summary and depicts areas of imbalance or areas to input wellness activities.
Results summary complete; no information is missing
4 problems and 2 educational goals identified
Create 4 LTGs (wellness related) and 2 educational goals
List treatment approaches and select activities that reflect patient’s interest
Student’s Wellness Program is evidenced based and at least one of the intervention recommendations is from a new and emerging approach as evidenced by reference
Evaluation: Presentation
Excellent (10)
Poor (0-4)
Presentation delivery (verbal and non verbal communication skills)
Excellent verbiage; confidence in delivery; eye contact; posture
Good attempt; minimal recommendations on establishing eye contact and maintain posture
Fragmented delivery; inconsistent delivery of confidence, establishing of eye contact and maintaining of posture
Disengaged ; hesitates and lacks enthusiasm
Presentation detail/organization
Contents are detailed; evidence of research
Minimal recommendations needed; good points delivered
Some information provided not relevant or off topic
Little or no relevance
Comments :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ACOTE Standards for an Accredited Educational Program for the Occupational Therapy Assistant:
B. 1.1, .B.1.4, B3.4, B.4.27,
B.4.3. ,
B.4.4, B.4.5., B.4.12. ,
B4.13, B.5.6.
12/16/2021 JM