Mid-Term Paper Assignment Sheet
The purpose of this paper is to familiarize you with the genre of the theory-based research paper, and to give you some practice for the final. For this, you will have two options.
Option 1: There are often multiple ways to read a text. For example,
Frankenstein is traditionally approached from a Freudian perspective, but as of late theorist have been productively applying a Queer Studies lens to it as well. And sometimes, theory-based readings – that are equally supported by the text – may produce contradictory conclusions. So while we are primarily using Postcolonial theories in this course, those are not the only ways to approach these narratives.
If you choose this option, you will find an article that discusses one of the texts we’ve discussed from a theoretical perspective we didn’t apply. In 750-1200 words, discuss what theory the article is using, and if you think the theory the article is using is productive or not. If you decide the theory usage was productive, argue why, using examples from the text that support the reading that the article is doing. If you decide the theory usage was unproductive or unconvincing, state how the argument is flawed. You will
not state what would have been a stronger argument, or what theory should have been used instead. Stay focused on dismantling the argument.
Or, if you’re feeling really ambitious, do some original research of your own (this would qualify as extra labour under the terms of the grading contract) and write an original paper applying a different theory to a text we’ve covered.
Option 2: The converse of option one. Instead of applying new theories to familiar texts, apply the theory we’re familiarizing ourselves to a new text. The primary task here will be picking a text that supports the use of this theory. For example, a Post-Colonial reading of something like
Black Panther could be productive. Using the same theory for
To Kill a Mockingbird…not so much (it’s been done, but it was book-length. We don’t have time for that.) For this assignment, you are welcome to use any sort of text you wish, be it a novel, short story, poem, play, film, TV show, comic, video game, etc. The only requirement is that it be fictional/representative and incorporate the theoretical constructs of Post-Colonialism. Again, 750-1200 words.
Format: Essay, MLA Citation Style (including in-text citations), 750-1200 words, 12 pnt. Times New Roman, Single-Spaced, submitted on eLearn.
Draft 1 due: 2/28 by 11:59 pm in the eLearn dropbox
Final Draft due: 3/24 by 11:59pm in the eLearn dropbox